May 19, 2011 18:52
Today I started my very scary quest of going back to school and getting a REAL degree in something that might actually get me money.
I set up a meeting with the City College Counselor, told him all my woes, explained to him that school has been on and off for me, and how I graduated from Highschool almost ten years ago, and it's been fun doing as I please, but I've exhausted my options on what I want to do with my life that dosn't required a degree, so the next logical step is to finally get one.
I told him my over-all goal "Get a BS in Zoology from UC Santa Barbara" (I am totally gonna come back in five years and re-check this entry to see how far I got in this) and he sat down with me and went over my transcripts.
Turns out that all that fucking around at SMC wasn't awful, I was able to cover a good deal of my Liberal Arts requirements, leaving me with only needing English 102, one more Humanities class, one more art class (as in a class in the arts, not an actual class where you do art), and a second semester of Japanese. (I'd hoped that I could take Russian, but he pointed out that you needed to take TWO semesters of the SAME language and rather then take Russian 1 and 2, it was just easier to take Japanese two.)
This left the math's and sciences, most sciences require math classes before they're taken, so he told me to take an assessment class, start off there, and to come back in October to see how it was all going.
Assessment right now however is a pain in the ass, they keep weird hours, all of their appointment's for the week were filled and they basically said "...come back the next time we have an assessment and if there's an empty spot, you can take it."
I will come back on Tuesday to get that sorted out.
I also applied for Student Aid, which was not the bureaucratic nightmare I thought it was going to be, mostly because I had a copy of my 1040 on hand and the info was very helpful "Please type in your gross income. To find your gross income, please refer to section .58"
I also got a date to enroll for new classes, which is a tad later then I'd hoped, but I feel I will be able to get into most of my classes, and worst case, there's always showing up to class on the first day.
Classes for Fall 2011 are as follows:
English 102
Japanese 2
Pyscology 101
MYSTERY MATH??? (probably pre-arithmetic)
If for some reason I CAN'T get my math assessment (which I shouldn't say, I will get it.) I shall just take one of the art classes.
I found the whole experience to be very cathartic. Going back to school is a big thing and I really wanna focus on it and do well. (It turns out, that my over-all GPA while I was in Costume Design was 3.6)
On the way out of the meeting with the counselor he asked me if I was okay "I don't want you to leave here and feel over-whelmed" he said.
I told him that if anything, I actually felt a great sense of relief.
me fail english?