Oct 05, 2009 16:29
Me and Liz were in the costume shop today pulling for the show, when Kamillie the stage manager comes in. In her rehearsal report, she'd asked the props department to acquire a rehearsal umbrella for one of the actors and then realized that it's costumes that would provide an umbrella, not props.
So me and Liz go up to men's wardrobe to see if we can find an umbrella to use. For the record, the Los Angeles City College Theater Academy Costume Department has I'd say... 20 umbrellas and 5 of them worked with out being a hazard to the following actors of whoever was using it. It was like some sort of umbrella graveyard where umbrellas go to die.
The ones we found that worked resembled something that belonged to a Batman villain, and something that Dick Van Dyke might use when he dances with Mary Poppins.
We finally found a yellow one that ya' know... opened and closed, and gave it to Kamillie.
The budget for this show is approximately zero dollars, but if I can hussel them into giving us money for one thing, it will be an umbrella.
chekhov exploded in a sea of vaudville