May 23, 2004 20:44

ah.....last nite was oh so interesting. we had to buss it to chain reaction since we had no ride. it took us like 2 hours to get, and 45 minutes waiting for both busses alone. to pass time we made 2 kickass cardboard robots (the electric alligator dance club robot and the santa claus hypnosis show robot). that actually kept us really entertained. we finally got to the show right when it started. street trash was alright, and i didnt even pay attention to the first band. 46 short sucks so much so i sat outside for that one. then was the black halos. they were weird. they had a good sound and somewhat energy, but theyre just lame live. everybody in the band except the singer looks like that one guy from good charolette. most people didnt like them but i thought they were musically good. the distraction went on and they were really good, but played like a 10 minute set. we didnt really have a ride after so me and mitch went with kent and his gf and her friend. we first went to some automated recycling place which was weird. we then went to ralphs and raced in those special persons power scooters. we bought some $6 rum and went to their other friends house. we watched this movie called the covenant, which was about zombie nuns. coolio is in it, and he played a loose cannon cop with stupid hair. i got somewhat hammered and called jacky at least once which i dont really remember.after that we went to kents gf's house and were up for quite a while. i passed out for 10 minutes then woke up, singing the tiny toons theme. i later woke up at 1. we went to the 99 cent store for a bit, then to the $1 theatre. i didnt really wanna go so i was basically stranded. i called up my sister and that was that. we might play at some party next week and i really hope we do. and that was my nite....
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