Random thoughts about Random Hook-ups...

Oct 18, 2005 19:38

It's a Saturday night and you're feeling alright. The drinks have kicked in, the DJ is on for once and you're happy. The more the drinks get to your head, the more they begin to affect your urges. Sometimes it's an urge for another drink, a cigarette, or for someone... usually anyone will do. It ss at this point when the common dating trend of the 'hook-up' happens. It will satisfy the urges within your body and often occur without much thought... but when the fuzziness clears and you wake up in the morning, was it worth it?
Yes at the moment in which the said hook up occurs, you feel fantastic, happy, delirious, but mostly satisfied. It's only the following morning that the trouble begins. You begin to wonder, well was it just a one time thing? how drunk was he/she? how drunk was I? what did we do? and most importantly did I give him/her my number?!
Pondering these things almost defeats the purpose of the hook-up. They are by nature meant to be random and short-lived. It is their duty to fulfill a lustful urge and once that happens, their job is essentially done. However what most people find is that while a hook-up may bring instantaneous pleasure, it also brings along emotional doubt. This doubt goes both ways... if you are the one who wakes up in the morning wondering if last night was the beginning of so much more, you can guarantee that the other is waking up hoping that the other doesn't think that this is the beginning of something more. You see the problem is that while a hook-up fulfills current desires for both parties, it leads to unfilled questioning as well. So the big question behind all of this is... are they worth it? Are those moments of drunken bliss worth the awkward 'run-in' two weeks later, the endless wondering if he/she'll call, and the hope that it may lead to more? Are hook-ups just another twisted step in dating that usually bring more heart-ache than pleasure?
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