As usual, i wasted my day going online after tuition..
until hema called and asked me to choose whether to cycle or play badminton,chose cycling...
went to change into my contacts and went off on my bike.
cycled to jalan kayu and she felt damn happy cos it was her first time cycling out of th estate alone.
she cycled outside in some camp before. so yeah she doesn't count that.
so anywayz, cycling in th evening is srsly very cooling!
we were freeezingggggg but the feeling's damn nice; wind blowing on our faces and hair.
everything seems like it's going very fast and it's true. 2008's coming to an end.
Come to think of it, i haven't done anything much this year?
and next year's Os?! omg. :\
gna go out with roxanne tmr aft tuition, not gna do work again -_-
i want a job but am too lazy to find one and work. ;P
but then again, i don't need a job.
okay so, sorry daphne ): i've got class chalet.. can't stay over/meet up..but i'm free on friday ^^
oh and this is th last of dotheabc. i'm gna move to...
http://pinkpicklejar.blogspot.comlivejournal's really laggy like shit.
account's still active. [:
:D okay gna go have an early night (: