Sep 18, 2003 10:47
I'm gettin used to this whole university thing
my experience is so much different than everyone elses
all the guys out east are hilarious, it would have been interesting to go out there
I just think I got a different experience goin on here
I'm on a tiny campus, in the heart of downtown toronto, I can spit on Yonge
no one else can do that
but I don't have that laid back atmosphere off all the other places like mac or western
thanksgiving weekend should be fun, a big reunion and such
I want to go to halifax on my reading week.
I'm coming home for the church show on friday
I may or may not go to guelph saturday....probably not, cause I'm goin to see hatebreed on monday anyways
that tour will be hell.
and JJ, let me know if you're coming to the city tuesday, if you are, I'll go see small brown bike with you.
anyways, not much else to be said
I'm going to get dressed and go get a waffle
today is one of the three days I only have one class
good times