May 30, 2004
made by
whatever_stuff so heres the thing - pretty much everything is friends only, with the exception of my 2009 scrapbook and videos of me singing. if by any chance you feel you want to follow my oh-so-entertaining life, here is some shit you should follow:
- please comment as to how i know you, and if i don't, why you'd want to friend my journal. i mean i know i'm one of the most interesting people in the world (har har) but humor me.
- i am not here to receive your spam, so i'd appreciate it if you don't shove it at me. i don't want to join so-and-so's rating community or help you get a "free ipod" from one of those pyramid sites.
- i'd greatly appreciate it if you had intelligence, and by that I mean you use proper spelling and typing (so none of the "lyke he totilly azked me outtttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kthxbye"). actually if you ever used kthxbye in your life, don't comment here. I despise that so-called "phrase", if you will.
- there is a reason why LJ lets you spell check before you post. genius has no O in it.
i hope those work for you. if not... well... this isn't your journal, so I don't give a damn.