I will not watch the director's cuts for SPN 2x20.
I will not watch the director's cuts for SPN 2x20.
I will not watch the director's cuts for SPN 2x20.
But I want to soooooooooo bad.
Where was I?
And now, the monthly fic round-up.
April stories:
Don't Make Me Separate You (Gen, PG, preseries)
"In here." John shoved Dean into one of the bedrooms, handling him like he was six not fourteen. Dean took it quietly, but Sam squirmed and protested as John pushed him into the room opposite.
Of All Fears Disarm (Gen & some het, PG-13, futurefic)
There was not all sparkly-perfect, and then there was screaming, breaking glass, confusion, and chaos.
and the April drabbles:
Interlude (Gen, PG) "I'm perfectly relaxed...what? I am. This is me, relaxing."
Suspension (Gen, PG-13, preseries) Maybe he can stay out there in the Nebraska night a little longer, beneath mercifully silent stars, hovering between heartbeats.
Wake the Dead (Het, PG-13, John/Ellen, preseries) Despite their beliefs, his hand under her shirt, palm against the hot skin of her back, her mouth melting against his, is like an angry ritual to raise the dead.