Stories meme

Jan 02, 2007 15:53

So my 2006 roundup was posted, just a list of stories, but there's this other part of the meme that everyone's doing.

Yeah, I'm going to talk about the stories now.

Gakked from mtgat.

My favorite story this year (of my own): For SPN, I am Not Now, Nor Have I Ever Been. For DCU, a tie between Reunion and C is for Coffee (co-written with mtgat).

My best story this year: For SPN, I Am Not Now, Nor Have I Ever Been. For DCU, probably Hard Travelin' Civilians.

Story most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion: There's nothing I can point to without feeling like an ingrate. Okay, if I have to pick one, Ricochet, which got the least responses of the trio of stories it's a part of.

Most fun story: Taking that to mean "most fun to write." For SPN, Another Fine Mess. Giggling to yourself while writing a story, yeah, that's probably a sign you're having fun. For the DCU, C is for Coffee.

Most sexy story: For SPN, Kissing Lessons. For DCU, it was In the Wee Small Hours.
Neither of those had actual sex (for that you have to go to SPN Rest Stop). Just kissing and a lot of *hands* but based on how it felt to write them and the responses, apparently sexiness was accomplished.

Story with single sexiest moment: For SPN, Kissing Lessons. For DCU, In the Wee Small Hours. (Again, funny how the one story with actual references to sexin' in it isn't my pick here but Rest Stop, which I thought was going to be a sexy kind of story, turned out to be a bucketload of angst kind of story).

Story with single sweetest moment: For SPN, The Great Pumpkin Respects Sincerity. For DCU, Reunion.

Most unintentionally *telling* story: I'm not telling. *g*

"Holy crap, that's *wrong*, even for you" story: For SPN, I don't think I really have one, although Kissing Lessons almost because it felt like crossover crack self-indulgence. For the DCU, And Now, Your Moment of Justice League. Which is, I realize, *mild* in terms of wrongness, but still, I really wondered what I'd been smoking when I got the idea for that. That's my one story this year that's most "omg I can't believe I did that *facepalm*" Yeah, I'm very tame. Move along.

Hardest story to write: For SPN, Curse Words. It took me literally a whole day to write 1,500 words. It's one of the most carefully written stories I've ever done and I was still revising it seconds before I posted. For DCU, And Now Your Moment of Justice League, because that was script format and the voices had to be *just right*. That was rewritten a number of times (thank you mtgat!)

Easiest story to write: For SPN, Another Fine Mess. That kind of just...poured out of me (so did Immunity; it's companion piece Prosecution was more difficult). For the DCU, Love, let me sleep tonight on your couch. This was back to my oldest and most beloved OTP and was written in twenty minutes or so.

This year's theme and the story that demonstrates it most: Another Fine Mess or possibly Reload. The theme, which was already in my DCU stuff in 2005 and is all over my Supernatural stuff like the Impala on a highway: love means never saying how you feel as you protect, watch over, hover, and worry.

yearly fic meme

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