Ten things I'd like to see in SPN Season 7

Jun 23, 2011 20:27

Let's do this now, while my mind is untainted by more than the vaguest of spoilers and let's not get into how frustrating every post S6 announcement has been so far, let's pretend I know NOTHING (which actually I don't because it has all been VERY VERY VAGUE) and do the Season 7 wishlist!

First, the post-mortem on Season 6. Considering how difficult I found it to love this season, I got an awful lot of things I wanted.

Season 6 wishlist results [original post]:

(Bold are my original wishes, regular type my comments today)

Why do I even bother? In my heart of hearts I knew Rufus was doomed from the moment he was introduced. Lisa -- thank you show, for not killing her, for at least leaving that tiny window of possibility that the not-a-Hallmark-card love story of Lisa and Dean might get a bit more story, even if I have zero expectations on that count, and that at least I know Lisa and Ben are alive and living their lives somewhere (but probably not safe, sigh). So thank you for at least that, but talk about a write-out. Pyhhric victory, much? Did I win this or not?

*ETA: edited because destina scared me and reminded me why I don't want to see Castiel's wings. *shudders* So my official S6 wish for Castiel is for him to get further character development, him figuring out who he is, what he wants
destina scared me out of hoping to see Castiel's wings because we kept seeing angel wings (after Castiel's initial intro) only when they were dead, but HA! They showed us Castiel's wings as a display of power and he was alive and BAMFY! Plus there was Dean's reaction. Win! \o/

Double win, because Castiel got his own story arc, his own agenda, his own screwed up thing going on even if he was too much off screen...and that would go under the category of "be careful what you wish for." D:

*Unfulfilled S5 wish: Sam in a hospital bed, with tubes coming out of his nose, while Dean agonizes at his side. (Yes, I know. I still want it!)
It counts if Dean is agonizing over Sam while Sam lies in the panic room attached to an IV drip. *wins*

*Jo and Ellen back from the dead because they're heroes and there is work for them to do and it's not a dream or hallucination and they aren't ghosts or evil
I'll just...wait here then. Thank you for AU universe Ellen, though, SPN. Thank you. ♥

*Sam and Dean riding around in the Impala, saving people, hunting things, as they relearn their partnership, and they call each other "Jerk" and "Bitch" at least once
Is this a win? It took a really, really long time but by the final quarter of the season, I felt like they were brothers and partners again and what S6 gave me and I will always be glad with S6 for this, is Sam and Dean *liking* each other and the brothers-by-choice aspect. No "Bitch and jerk" but it was all as good as. <3

*The found family theme gets explored
HOLY SHIT (so to speak. Ahem). HOLY SHIT. When I was thinking about SPN doing justice to the found family concept, I wasn't even thinking of anything this much. DKFJSKLJF:KHGJ:Kjfa;kdsja;fjk;ljkds

Evidently, still not over 6.20 or the finale. Moving along!

*Team Free Will, Sam and Dean and Castiel kicking ass and looking after each other and the friendships keep developing
Got that, I think. Maybe not enough of all three of them together, but certainly the multiple friendships and the three of them as surrogate brothers and how much Castiel loves them, and they love Castiel, and Castiel considering himself their guardian. Even if everything is completely screwed up. ;__;

*Dean and Castiel HUG (I am still easy when it comes to them. I will settle for meaningful staring).
*cries* No, not as such. But I got more meaningful staring than I knew what to DO with. :D

*No ambiguity about whether Sam will still go to the dark side/has dark evol powers/will be tempted to abuse said dark evol powers, he's 110% Sammy
Don't know whether to rule this a win or not, because Sam when he was all!Sam was not ambivalent. He'd lost his soul. Once he had his soul back, he was...Sam. The wall falling was a worry but not that he'd go evil. OTOH -- ::RAGE:: Still so mad about Robo!Sam.


*Sam and Dean each having some kind of moment of trying to figure out who/what they are outside of their family unit(s) and as hunters and as big brother or little brother
The show isn't there yet. Dean had this a little, as he explored his househusband/paternal/barbecues side. Sam had his moment of self-actualization, where the core of Sam is stronger than hell or Robo!Sam or any other screwed up version of Sam, and the show addressed that Dean thinks he's only a killer, but landed at Dean still thinks he's only a killer and only brought misery to Lisa and Ben. But I continue to see a sense of self theme, and am delighted.

And now -- yes, I know, you're all very excited -- Dot's Season 7 wishlist.

1. The Impala was left upended and nearly totaled. /o\ Would love best to have Sam&Dean&Cas&Bobby fixing her together but the way things were going, that could be Sam&Dean bonding and fixing the family car time. I would love that.

2. CARRYOVER FROM S6 WISH: Jo and Ellen back from the dead because they're heroes and there is work for them to do and it's not a dream or hallucination and they aren't ghosts or evil. Ahem, or an AU (not that I'm not grateful).

3. This is kind of, er, obvious, but COULD THE SHOW STOP MESSING AROUND WITH SAM AND DEAN'S BROTHERLY RELATIONSHIP, could they stay themselves and stay LIKING each other? kthnx.

4. Also kind of, er, obvious, Castiel. Redeemed, and himself again. I MISS HIM AND THE SEASON ONLY JUST ENDED. *cries* This is almost non-negotiable, but we all know I'm not going to flounce from SPN no matter how many times I say I will. I have tl;dr meta on why it will upset me so much if he doesn't get that redemption, it's actively a narrative *squick*.

5. Maybe less obvious Castiel wish, and this is just a personal id thing [eta: a narrative thing too, but I haven't worked out all my thoughts yet], because I'm all for a powered up BAMF Cas but I want him to become human.

6. Sam/girl, where he gets involved with someone, and for a change she doesn't die. How crazy is that? Sam bantering and having a developing romantic relationship with someone who gets him and likes him with all his weirdnesses.

7. An Impala pov episode.

8. A non-angsty yet troublesome day in the life of Castiel -- sort of like Weekend at Bobby's, after Castiel's crisis is past but show his pov on the day to day difficulties of just being Castiel. (Even better if he's been turned human when it airs).

9. We see Dean building some kind of cool hunting gadget/weapon from spare sparts.

10. Should I give up asking for this? Could Sam...be okay? Please? Unambivalently Sam? Is that really so nuts? Is that really asking for the moon? Really? Can he just be Sam?

Feel free to share your S7 wishes in the comments, but no actual S7 spoilers (if you know things, pretend you don't).


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