May 01, 2011 12:20

Sigh and this is what happens when I get re-engaged, and now I have an OPINION on something. Please, please feel free to scroll by. I'm not cut-tagging this. I apologize for engaging on this at all but I need to make a few things clear.

The wank (and a lot of the non-fic fannish activity) in SPN seems to have mostly moved to tumblr these days, and so I'll be taking a haitus from my own blog there, because I am still into SPN (even when I was the outs with the canon, I still like to look at stuff), and like to reblog SPN things and search for "Sam" or "Dean" or "Castiel" or favorite pairings and every time I do it's a boatload of aggravation.

I will still be contributing to although will have to be careful how much time I spend on tumblr to find things. My awesome co-mods are responsible for a lot of the wonderful things that have been reblogged there.

Housekeeping thing -- because there's some LJ/tumblr overlap. Please remove yourself from my flist if you think it's okay to tell other fans to sit down and STFU, that their squee is ruining the fandom or the show, that they need to know their place, that anyone can dictate to anyone else what the show is really about, or if you feel the desire to engage in the ongoing pissing contest of who-loves-who-more and wincest vs. Dean/Castiel.

Man, I have been to this rodeo already and I am tired. :/

P.S. I love Sam&Dean and Sam&Dean&Castiel and Sam&Dean&Castiel&Bobby and Castiel and Dean/Castiel and Dean/Lisa and Lisa and Ben and Dean and Lisa and Ben and I love Sam and I love Dean and I love the Impala. I don't care if you're just here for one pairing only, or here for all the things, I'm just sick of my lens getting bitchslapped.

oh fandom

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