Ye Olde Yuletide Letter

Nov 14, 2010 10:56

Dear Yuletide writer,

Hi, I'm delighted you're writing a story for me! I hope you have a blast writing it. If it helps get things started, here's some things I like: banter. (I loooove banter). Or fics with minimal dialogue & heavy on the atmosphere if that floats your boat. Characters who reveal how they're feeling while thinking they can hide it from others. Bickering and humor and bittersweet notes.

I'm open to all kinds of writing styles. Whatever works for you. ♥

Stuff to avoid: too much tell instead of show, passive voice, bad grammar, excessive whumpage, exaggerated characterization to make one character look bad and the other a long-suffering saint. If it's angsty, please don't leave out a big dollop of hope.

If I've asked for a pairing, No on: BDSM, dark!fic, non-con. Yes to: wall!sex and emotion strongly linked with the porn, or UST. Please no bashing of other characters or diminishing the importance of other relationships.

If you'd like to see what kinds of stories I lean towards, here's my master fic list.

Okay, that's enough of that, please have fun with it. :D


Friday Night Lights

I would love Jess Meriwether pov about how she feels about football, where that's a road to insight into her character, and her relationships. How she feels about her dad, her siblings, her role in the family, kids at school, Vince. Something where we're in her head while she's out on a field with the football in her hand or coaching someone else -- this could have some Jess/Vince and be about their relationship, but mostly I'd like this to be gen. I like the idea of the field as a haven for her, her place where she's herself. Include any other characters you want.

The Iron Giant

It feels like there are a ton of stories that still need to get told. Just about anything set in that world with those characters. Gen please, although background Dean/Annie is great. Hogarth or Iron Giant or Dean or Annie pov, poignant and funny. Nothing dark or tragic, although triple bonus score if you make me cry. :D

Out of Sight

How is there not a ton of Jack Foley/Karen Sisco fic out there? How is this possible? Would love anything Jack/Karen where they're as bantery and simmering and smart and sexy as in the movie. Where they're trying to figure out each other out and getting under each other's skin. The only schmoop in this should be under the surface, nothing overly romantic.

Hawaii Five-0 (2010)

Would love something about the whole team working together, having to rely on each other while caught in a tough situation. With bickering and saving each other and all four being baddass (especially Kono) with moments of vulnerability. Some Steve/Danny UST would make me grin like a grinning thing but I'd really like this to be gen and the focus on the entire team.


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