Yuletide noms, spn vid rec, and an a sudden attack of Dean Winchester picspam

Oct 14, 2010 19:10

SPN vid rec - Voices on the Wind by secretlytodream, an evocative, beautifully edited Sam vid that looks at why he does what he does.

Here are the fandoms I nominated for Yuletide:

Out of Sight
The Thin Man
Life (tv)
Birds of Prey (comics)
The Iron Giant

smilla02 emailed me about some promo pics of Dean from SPN 6.05 and I looked them, and then I must've blacked out or something, because when my brain got back online, I had this picspam.

From SPN 6.05


JESUS H. CHRIST ON A CRACKER, JENSEN ACKLES. Just when I think we have finally found an upper limit of the ruthlessness of your hotness, there's more. (I'm spoiled for what happens with Dean in this episode. Nrrrghhgkdaljffasfaf;ak. And here I thought I was tired of that as a device...)

While we're here...

From 1.06, Skin. How about some not-actually-Dean?

Cap courtesy of http://supernatural.tv

From 3.10, Dream a Little Dream of Me. Some demon!Dean?

Cap courtesy of http://supernatural.tv

From 5.04, The End. Let's not forget, ruthless 2014 Dean.

Cap courtesy of oxoniensis

*goes off in search of a bucket of ice*

ETA: and one more, on a different theme, a pic of Jensen Ackles on the set of 6.04 (no spoilers).

One of my favorite images of this actor yet, director!Jensen.

Snagged from here.

yuletide, vid recs: supernatural, supernatural, picspam

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