Since it was right there already (assembled a few years back and then taken down for reasons I don't remember), here's the web archive
of all the DCU fic I've ever posted anywhere. Comics 'verse, animated series, Batman Beyond, Justice League Unlimited. (There's fic there that's 10 years old. Dear god.)
Have started rewatching/rereading stuff, and have all kinds of teal deer thoughts on what my brain can accept as personal canon and what it can't
but it kind of boils down to the animated Timm and Dini 'verse are where my batfamily brain most lives, the Dixonverse (and earlier stories by Chuck Dixon, like Prodigal, oh yeah, Prodigal is *amazing*) heavily influenced my ideas about Dick Grayson and who he is, and Oracle, and the batfamily -- and that's my story, I'm sticking to it (and pulling the covers over my head and going lalalalala). With Devin Grayson I maintain the unpopular fannish opinion that she's an awesomesauce writer and did some great work finding new layers to the character of Nightwing and then taking him apart to show us how he ticks but her work bleeds into the time frame that made me give up on the comics. Also, a little too much with the hurt, and not enough comfort, with her. So I'll take about 80% of the Devinverse.
And then there's Under the Red Hood which I'm going to pretend is an AU of the animated, because it's easier for my brain that way. I like that movie; I don't like what was surrounding that story recently before, and after, in the comics. But whoa, if that movie didn't kick the lights back on. (Still have no intention to returning to buying the comics, I hear some things have gotten better but then I'm hearing other things that make me want to weep...but I have plenty of back issues to revisit)
ETA: oh my god, I need to stop googling to see what became of some of my favorite characters in the comics. WTF DID THEY DO TO CASSANDRA CAIN? *cries*
So. I'm happily discombobulated and a bit flaily and confused because I put all that away, dude, and now it's back. Apparently once you've gone batfamily, you're batfamily for life. Sheesh! <3