Comment-a-thon links

Aug 08, 2010 19:21

*waves* Am alive, had a low-key weekend which consisted of gelato consumption, Fringe, and the feeling that lolling around and doing absolutely nothing at all was the very best thing in the whole world, and some writing of ficlets and making of mini-picspams, which I'll share soon.

Some links from The Awesome People of Colour are Awesome Comment-a-thon that medie is hosting (I left prompts, and got ficlets! Eeeee!):

yahtzee63 responded to my Fringe prompt Astrid, chaos in the lab with a gorgeous Astrid ficlet that feels wonderfully true and very very Astrid. Because yes, of course that's how it works. ♥

topaz119 wrote an adorable, spot-on Leverage ficlet to answer my request for Alec Hardison getting stuck in an elevator.

sister_wolf answered my SPN prompt Victor, "We've got work for you" and her ficlet is awesome and I want this to happen in canon so badly omg. Someone needs to make that spin-off. link to fic on DW or on LJ.

*flails joyfully about*

I wrote a White Collar gen ficlet, Catching Your Fall, based on noveltea's prompt "Diana, loyalty." It heavily references information given in the ep "Need to Know."

white collar fanfic, supernatural, white collar, leverage

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