Seven more days and a request and a rec

Sep 21, 2006 10:54

A few items:

[ETA: Got my beta. THANK YOU!]
[ETA II: I re-checked the due dates. At one point they were this weekend but no, we really do have until the 28th. *headdesk* All this fic has obviously turned my brain to mush.]
Maybe being on vacation fried my brain, but I misread the due dates for the spn_gleeweek fic. It's all due this weekend. *facepalm*

I took two prompts. One story is out with a beta already. The other needs a fast beta read so I can post by Sunday. 4,000 words. Sam and Dean and some angst and banter. To my surprise, Sam insisted ALL of it be his POV.

If I have to, I will post this un-beta'd but I'd rather not have it come to that.

Blessings Against Thunder is a kick-ass Firefly/Supernatural crossover by vaznetti.

Now, I don't read Firefly fanfic. Like the show, it just never grabbed me that I needed to look further. So I'm no expert, but I think this author has the Serenity crew's voices down.

But most of all, this reads like a glorious Supernatural AU, where the Impala is a spaceship. The tone of Firefly and the tone of Supernatural--dusty, gruff, snarky, meshes so well. The Winchester family dynamics are in full force in this, and there are some moments between Sam, Dean, and John that are worth the whole trip, even if you've never even heard of Firefly. There's action and angst and humor, and damn if Zoe/John isn't a hot idea for a pairing (Wash, I still love you best sweetie, but omg! Zoe/John!)

Oh, and Dean and Jayne get to blow shit up. Doesn't get better than that.

fanfic recs: supernatural

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