Thanks and movie love and SPN recs and other madness

Dec 16, 2009 20:22

You guys, thank you for the kind words over at the Holiday Love Meme. <3<3<3 What're you trying to do, make me cry or something? :D

Oooh, look, it's the trailer for the new Robin Hood movie, which is coming out in 2010 and stars Russell Crowe and Cate Blanchett and is directed by Ridley freakin' Scott. I'm there. I'm so there.

And there's a clip out from the Sherlock Holmes movie. *checks the calendar* I can see this movie now? How about now?

ETA: IRON MAN 2 TRAILER omg omg omg okay, I am not all that impressed with the villain but everything else? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiieeeee. *falls over with glee*

Also I made a happy squeaky noise at the Tony and Pepper moment and then another one with Tony and Rhodey back to back and being all bff and fierce together. I need some kind of support group for multishippers. (And this is not an OT3 situation, although Rhodey/Pepper works for me in certain contexts).

It's much, much too soon for all this flailing about. I will stop this nonsense at once.


Via camille_is_here, Silent Monks singing Halleluia. Hee!

Three SPN recs, all gen:

You Think This is Hard? Trying Being the Michael Sword by maskedfangirl, Glee/SPN crossover. Sue Sylvester in the Kripkeverse. HEE!

Go read The Silence of a Summer Morning by wanttobeatree. I won't give too much away -- it's a terrific OFC, outsider pov on the Winchesters, the aftermath of Detroit. By the end of it, I was crying, no kidding.

Built for Hurricanes by scorpiod1 captures Jo Harvelle so vividly, filling in the blanks of canon.
She’s learned a new method of communicating: shotguns full of rock salt, an iron knife in her small hand. That’s all she needs. Jo is a hunter. So she hunts.

Plus, not a fic rec, but it made me happy, aesc has a gorgeous picspam of Castiel.

the great detective, fanfic recs: supernatural, robin hood, holy tax accountant, meta recs: supernatural, fandom love, iron man

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