
Sep 20, 2009 09:59

You know what is back? (Yes, actually, most of you do). That's right, Merlin is back. This show is adorable. I love it like pie.

+Arthur in bed, shouting for Merlin

+Dear Merlin, when a whole lot of people are running TOWARDS you yelling in alarm, it is usually best to FOLLOW them. But you are you, so of course you went in the direction of the thing that scared them off. Never change. ♥ ♥

+Morgana/Gwen hugging! Yes, that's a slash mark.

+Gwen saving Arthur and obligatory moment of UST. \o/

+Merlin blowing off the cell doors

+Merlin kneeling next to Arthur saying "You will not hurt him."

The preview! *glee*


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