3 Supernatural drabbles

Jul 13, 2006 08:11

Title: Retraining
Author: dotfic
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Written for supernatural100's Challenge #30, sibling rivalry.

"What the hell is that?"

"You don't like it?"

"It's...lopsided. And what are those supposed to be?"

"Fangs!" Dean grins. "See? I used an empty milk container..."

"It looks ridiculous."

"Just throw it."


"Loser buys the winner a beer."

"Do you always have to make it a contest?"

"What's the matter, afraid I'll beat you? Like always? C'mon. You're probably rusty. You could use a refresher."

The knife tears through the center of the monster face with such force it knocks the container off the stick.

"You were saying?" Sam hands the knife to his brother.

Dean stops grinning.

Title: Girls
Author: dotfic
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Written for supernatural100's Challenge #30, sibling rivalry.

He never should have let her walk him home.

She's fourteen, a year older than him, with long, curly blonde hair and dimples.

As soon as Dean comes around the corner of the house Dad's rented, mowing the lawn with his shirt off, he realizes his mistake.

"Who is that?" she hisses, their conversation forgotten.

"My brother."

"Oh." She stares.

His brother doesn't even notice, but the girl still leaves with a dazzled, remote air, like she's been enchanted. Sam wonders if there's a spell that would help.

Later, Dean's puzzled when Sam won't speak to him for three days.

Title: Storm
Author: dotfic
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Written for supernatural100's Challenge #29, fireworks.

Lightning makes the bedroom brighter than mid-day.

"One one-thousand, two one-thousand...Saaaaaammmy, you aren't counting."

But Sam has jammed his pillow over his head.

From the other bed, Dean shines the flashlight at his brother. "Sammy..."

Another flash and loud crack. There's a squeak from under the pillow. A small hand emerges and grabs the stuffed bear.

"Just think of it as fireworks. You know, like the fourth of July?"

"Fireworks?" Sam pokes his head out.

"Just less colorful."


Another flash.

This time they count together.

"One one-thousand, two one-thousand, three one-thousand..."

With the next boom, Sam doesn't even flinch.

supernatural fanfic, supernatural drabbles

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