U2, Leverage, SPN insanity

Feb 28, 2009 09:32

This week was exhausting, work was incredibly busy, and I think that's just the pace that's going to be set for a while.

So I've listened to more of the new U2 album, and there's this one track in particular, White as Snow. Would someone else who is fond of Sam and Dean Winchester please go listen to this track (#9) streaming on myspace, and go look at the lyrics, and then come back here and hug me and CALM ME DOWN and tell me it has no angsty Winchester assocations or resonance.

I was writing non-angsty (well, as non-angsty as I can get it) SPN fic when that track came up next and I was not ready for it and had to listen to some palate cleanser songs before I got back to writing the non-angsty.

I had some other SPN insanity but I'll save that for another post.

Never mind Supernatural, though. The track did strike me extraordinary. I think I agree with the guardian uk music blog about it.

U2 gave a surprise concert on the roof of the BBC. (Also clips here and here)

Awesome Leverage season finale was awesome. Especially the last scene. I ship team Leverage! Although, um, the hacker and the sneak thief may own me most. "Where will you go?" "Let's see how hard you look." ♥_♥ Can I have more Leverage now? What do you mean that was the finale and I have to WAIT UNTIL SUMMER? This is unacceptable! *rewatches finale*

Also, the winners in the Salt & Burn Awards have been announced, and one of my stories won in the category "Canon," Conversations with My Children (Gen, PG). Um. I'm a little bit stunned, and also pleased.

u2, supernatural, leverage

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