Supernatural fic recs for a Thursday

Aug 21, 2008 07:53

*checks calendar*

*taps foot*

It's how long now? (I still have not clicked on the spoilery pics, despite the fact that the link again drifted past my eye this evening).

Should've Gone Hunting Instead by iamstealthyone, Gen, PG-13
Sam and Dean take a vacation, and things go about as well as you might expect as the boys try to do "normal." Adorable fic with brotherly banter.

Pi by luzdeestrellas, Gen, G
I love this fic like I love, well, pie. Wonderful brotherly banter and Sam and Dean interaction.

Five in the After by montisello, Gen, PG-13
Bittersweet, unsentimental, and poignant look at John.

Also, a few more spn_summergen fic recs:
The Sea Will Open in Your Veins, PG
Post season-3 finale fic. The boys take some down time at the beach. Terrific characterization, with the difficulties of recovery threaded through in the background.

Hear This Prayer for Her, R
A ghost story set after BUABS, and a much needed follow-up for that episode. I liked the writing and emotions and Sam and Dean dynamics in this.

fanfic recs: supernatural

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