SPN fic recs, Dr Horrible, and Cafe Mozart

Jul 17, 2008 06:53

Another big bang rec: The Thin Ice by buffayaddict13, Gen, R
Superb outsider pov on the Winchesters, featuring a complex, layered OFC. Heartrending and creepy and powerful (set during season 3). The author does some striking work with point of view. I also like how she shows Dean's reactions.
His voice is sincere and gentle and Libby wonders if that’s the voice he used on her father. In that moment, Libby hates Sam Winchester with a pure, blinding rage.

Dogs Are Barking As the Kingdom Fell by ficangel (link to insanejournal), het, Dean/Bela, Hard R, spoilers through season 3 finale
Dean/Bela, as snarky and bitter and hot as you could want that to be if you go for this pairing. So well done.
They are always, ultimately, caught all the same. They still run. It’s impossible not to. Sometimes, when they forget where they are and how fruitless it all is in the end, they fight.

This Distant Moon by silverkit, Gen, PG-13, preseries
Vivid, beautifully done backstory on Ellen's childhood, focusing on Ellen and her mother.
There are nights when Ellen finds her mother sitting cross-legged on the living room floor, the shotgun resting across her lap. The curtains will be open, and the moonlight and the starlight twisting together in a rope of brightness.

Made of win: Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog. Part II is online! \o/ I need usericons. I don't know about you, but I'm rooting for Dr. Horrible.

I have lovely feedback to catch up on, thank you! *smishes feedback* And this morning there will be yet more fic, because people have birthdays, and sometimes I am insane.

On Sunday, I met the fabulous deirdre_c, who is as kind and fun in person as she is online, and many other fangirls I hadn't met in person yet (and a few I had), all of whom were wonderful to hang out with.

*sadface* Cafe Mozart closed. I can't find any local news articles about it. When I went by there on Monday evening with tirtzah and mclittlebitch, the security gates were down and there was a letter of seizure on the door. Woe. I have a lot of happy memories going to Cafe Mozart, going back over a decade or so. They had a live pianist and PIE and on your birthday you had to wear the funny Mozart wig.

fanfic recs: supernatural

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