[OOC] Primaries + Daily Routine Meme + Status ... thingy?

Aug 14, 2007 09:10

Between generally reading around and my own personal concerns about my RPing habits, I've been doing some thinking. Said thinking involves ... well. The way I do primaries, relationships, and how the two styles affect each other.

I am a relationship whore. This is ... probably not too hard to see. In addition to my tendency to app characters with canon partners (seriously, I think Ishida is like one of two exceptions, and he ended up with Heine rather quickly), characters that stick around in my roster are the ones that develop extensive relationship webs. Conversely, I feel drop urges when my character's relationship web starts to weaken. Ishida dropped when his relationships seemed to fall flat; Mal dropped for ... multiple reasons, but the biggest one was my inability to play out his canon relationship web. So for me, relationships and friendships are directly tied to playability. The larger a character's network, the greater their chances to stick. I've been complimented in the past for having extensive relationship webs; I've also been critted for being too insular.

Another RPing habit I've noticed is my tendency to rotate primaries. If I hold onto a character past 4-6 months, it's 'cause they've been my primary at some point, or are otherwise "in the lineup." I ... just don't do permanent backburners, honestly. If one character is being played less than the others, they're either a) not my current primary, or b) being neglected. A is geeenerally more common than B. Either way, it's just natural for me to play the everliving fuck out of a character for a week or two and then shift completely onto someone else the next couple of weeks. On one hand, doing so helps keep the characters fresh! It lets me play according to my whims and interests, and allows me to squee happily over whatever shiny it was that reperked my interest in the first place.

... buuut it also means that play isn't always consistent. When one character is in the spotlight, the others are played less, at the very least; sometimes they aren't played at all. During the time that I spam with them, my primary character will usually pick up a friend or two, or at least strengthen / play with bonds that were formed during previous primary weeks. Relationships are my bread and butter, RP-wise, so this is only natural for me. However! The fact that my non-primary characters don't play means that their relationships often end up lagging until they rotate back into primary position. (I would like to note that a big moment of SRS BUSINESS for any character is usually enough to jumpstart a backburner into primary position, if only until the SRS BUSINESS and its aftermath pass.)

That isn't particularly fair to other people, especially considering my partner syndrome. I encourage people to PM me if they want to do something specifically, but still -- that can get tiresome! And it doesn't solve the consistency issue. In fact, I'm not really sure what I can do to solve the consistency issue, except to play all of my characters at full strength all of the time, and even I'm not capable of that. I'd burn out faster than a ... thing that burns out really fast.

So. First of all! Have a ...

Offscreen Meme

Ishida can almost always be found sewing something, somewhere. His favorite spots include his room (in the Amestris dorms), the mess hall during non-mealtimes, outside the Arts and Crafts Hut (n-nostalgia ;o;), and anywhere else that's relatively quiet, but vaguely public. Assuming he's not injured, he does a round or two of camp about once a day, just to make sure there's nothing big and nasty doing stuff.

Roxas hangs out on his beach a lot, especially during summer and winter. He ... generally doesn't like people coming onto his beach without permission, just 'cause it's in his window and you have to kind of climb onto his bed to get into it. Kind of a personal spot. He also likes to skateboard around camp, and can sometimes be seen practicing keyblade techniques up against the mess hall.

Shin has the most rigid schedule out of all of them. He's up early every morning to do laps around camp, followed by breakfast at 5:30 (or whenever breakfast is technically scheduled). After that it's time for pushups, reps, etc. That usually lasts until late morning. Then he gives himself a break until lunch. After lunch, its another round of laps + exercises. I assume that most of his conversations take place during mid-afternoon, 'cause that's his biggest block of free time. After dinner, it's back to laps and exercises, possibly a few conversations here and there. And then a strict bedtime of 8 PM. This can be (and is) bent for RP purposes, of course, but it's the standard.

Phoenix doesn't get out of the Lawyertarium much, poor guy. When he's not inside working, he's ... outside working more. One day he's going to just snap and give up on all the paperwork (but not the case!)

Kurogane kills undead for stress relief, since they don't count against his curse. (Or so he thinks. Muahahaha -- I mean. I don't have a post idea revolving around that, really.) He's usually up early, snoozes during the hottest portions of the day, and then stays up late. He does a patrol or two of camp every day, but won't interfere with much. He does like stopping and talking to people, no matter how grumpy he comes off.

In addition to those general statements on wtf my characters do every day, I'm gonna try and post a weekly status report -- what happened to them, how they're generally looking, and what they would tell close friends / acquaintances about their week. If your character is generally at the relationship level indicated (if I indicate anything specific! if I don't, assume it's general interaction), feel free to assume that your character bumped into mine and observed / talked to / did whatever to generally know my character's status this week. I'll update here during the week if anything big goes down.

Ishida has a lightly sprained ankle. He can walk on it, but it's painful, and thus he's generally not moving around on it that much, save to initiate specific conversations. It's easy to detect the sprain (it's wrapped and he's limping visibly), but he's not telling anyone how it happened unless they ask specifically. He's taking particular pains to hide it around Ryuuken and people who talk to Ryuuken a lot (that means you, Himura :|).

Mentally, he's a bit on edge this week. Nothing that's ridiculously stressing him out, but he's...thoughtful. And stuff. Noticeable, but not noteworthy.

Roxas is healthy! Doing his normal patterns, probably hanging out and doing more summery things, like swiping ice cream from the mess hall. Mentally, he's quite cheerful, even for him. Haruhi came back but he's not emo about it, things are generally going good with Axel, etc. /o/

Shin deaged this week and is training extra hard to make up for the "lost days." (Yeah, he's a little crazy like that). He'll tell anyone who asks that he was younger earlier that week, and will also give that as a reason for why he's training extra hard. He's ... otherwise his normal self. Nothing really phases Shin, to be honest. He's probably the same from week to week.

Phoenix secretly moved back to the Lawyertarium couch sometime last week. After he failed like a faily thing and spent his divorce in an extra bed in Boys 13. GG Nick. :( Has been trying to hole up a little less, but is still as stressed out as all fuck due to things that he can't really say. If asked, he complains about paperwork and Edgeworth and things in general, but won't say a word about Hei and all that stuff.

Kurogane is currently bandaged up, ty Guren. They're very light injuries at this point, though, and they'll be off in a few days (after they leave some vague scars, anyway). He's probably sticking to his cabin until he's fully healed up. I imagine he sits just outside (or possibly on the roof) and reads back issues of his manga magazine. If asked about his injuries, he'll mention Guren vaguely.

meme, ooc

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