[OOC] Dropping/State of the Union Meme!

Oct 07, 2008 08:30

Ishida Uryuu

IC: Mellow. Really, really mellow. Really, there isn't much that camp can throw at him at this point that he won't have gone through already, short of major mindfucking. Or something else completely and ridiculously horrible. He'd rather be home, but his second trip to camp has (and continues to be) a pretty nice vacation, all things considered. Even PARAMOUR has been worked out now. :| ... really, the only wrinkle is Dietrich. And despite Ishida's paranoia, I seriously doubt Dietrich takes Ishida as seriously as Ishida takes him.

OOC: ... oh Ishida. Sometimes I wonder if I only hold onto him because he's such an old standby for me. And then I end up having an amazing thread that totally makes up for all the inactivity. I am a bit conflicted over what to do with him, because I don't play him much ... but if I drop him, a reapp will only be a matter of time. So I might as well just keep him. He is a backburner! I am zen with this. I will try to play him more, but really, if he only gets the occasional thread? I am content. I don't feel like I'm squatting on him the way I am ... say ... Phoenix. But I'll get to that later. :(

Plans: Needs moar posts. I still need him to go after Rhode, soooo I will plot with her and get that done soon. Really, he needs to get out and MEET PEOPLE. Maybe I will have him start making winter clothes or something.

Drop Threat Level: A tasteful shade of blue Medium-low. If I hadn't reapped him, I'd be thinking about dropping him, but I've had him so long that he's kind of a permanent fixture by now.

Phoenix Wright

IC: Nick has basically accepted the fact that he is a paperwork drone. ... and even that paperwork get done by zombies most of the time. Mostly he just bitches at Polly or the others when they're up way too early for him. Kids these days! ... yeah, he's been in camp too long.

OOC: ... this isn't official yet, but Nick is essentially dropped. The only reason why I didn't drop him with Vince and Cid is 'cause Juri's still conflicted about Edgeworth, and if we're both going to drop we might as well do it at the same time. Don't worry, hopeful appers: it'll be official by Halloween. So if anyone wants him, start writing your apps for counselors now. :( It's sad, because ... I love the character! And I still utterly adore playing hobo!Nick! But normal Nick has been burnt out for so long it's just ... I'm not playing him. I'm just sitting on him. It's time to let him go. IF ANYONE WANTS TO APP HIM THIS ROUND I will happily give you this account, should you want it. It just got another two months of paid time and I still love you so much for doing that, Ningen; you just have bad timing. >:

Plans: ... none, sorry. :( If you want a thread with him before he goes, tell me! Otherwise he is basically gone, and I won't be pulling him out. Sorry!

Dropping: All but official. :(


IC: Another zeennnnnn type. CLAMP has kind of fucked with his family as much as it's going to, probably (except for WATANUKI but that doesn't really count), and camp itself has kind of fucked with him as much as it's going to too. Sakura is here and not-dead; Cloney is still ... complicated, but hey, he's here too. He has his assorted retarded adopted children. He is thoroughly domesticated and that kind of pisses him off, but. whatever. Mostly he's sort of bracing himself for the moment when he has to go back to the mess that is his canon.

OOC: ... s-sigh I think the common thread in all of this is RUT RUT RUT. He doesn't get as much play as he should, and when he does, it's with his canon or adopted cast. Which -- suits me just fine, since my RP time is limited, but I do feel guilty that he's not out there making new friends and generally being available to the game. Plus there's the fact that I can't really have more than one CLAMP primary at once, and right now Watanuki is king. If he continues to be ruttish for a few months, then I'm going to have to admit I'm having problems with him. But I have faith that I'll rekindle my interest in him before then. That is. Assuming CLAMP gets out of flashbacks by then. :| fu claaaaamp

Plans: GET OUT MORE. Seriously Just comment-ninjaing would expose him to more people. dammit Kuro.

Dropping: About the same as Ishida. Doesn't get out much, but I'm zen with that, so ... I don't plan on letting him go any time soon.

Aragaki Shinjiro

IC: ... another zen one. (Which means RUT RUT RUT out of character, but I'll get to that.) He's alive, he's got a job to keep him occupied, he occasionally has naked talks with Leader -- life is decent. ... life isn't terribly interesting, but there you go. He's okay. Things are chill. Whatever. :|

OOC: Ruuuuuut. I am really losing it with this character. And yet, it's not because I'm burnt out on the character itself, if that makes any sense. I just re-picked him up at AMS and I am massively enjoying all the RP I get there. (That may have something to do with the fact that we kind of punched October 4th in the face, but. I DIGRESS.) It may be a case of a character who works better in a canon setting! ... it may be due to the fact that I have completely failed at most of Shinji's canon relationships, despite the fact that we have an amazingly awesome cast here. I don't know. He may get dropped with Nick at Halloween. We'll see. Really, what I need is a good IC shake-up to start his storyline going again, 'cause if I can get him to have momentum again, he'll self-sustain. ... but. Getting that started is looking pretty difficult right now.

Plans: Save him ;o; Because I really do love the character! I could pull him back from the dropping edge with some effort. Hopefully. ... maybe. orz.

Dropping: Hiiiigh.


IC: WHY CAN'T THINGS JUST GO RIGHT. sob. If he's not dealing with his usual disappearing/self worth issues, then outside stuff is bound to make his life miserable. Not to mention the fact that about four rather dangerous people all have dibs on him, he's still attracting unwanted attention, he's trying to figure out his denial for that stupid idiot jerk who keeps doing nice things for him, and just ... generally being stressed out all the time. At the same time, he is desperately glad to be in camp, if only because a) he has his friends, b) he is always making new ones, and c) whatever crazy canon thing that makes him mostly invisible to normal people doesn't seem to exist here, which leads him back to b. He has a lot of things on his plate, and a few truly terrifying things have happened (lol Rhode), but overall? Things are good! ... that may change the first time one of his camp friends ends up dropping, or if Halloween ends up doing something awful to him.

OOC: The more stressed out my character is, the happier I am playing them, I think. Because Watanuki is, hands-down and without a doubt, my current primary. He always has something going on. ... and if he doesn't, he's my go-to character for making something interesting happen. And plus there's the fact that CLAMP just keeps throwing curveballs at him. Which make me flail a lot, yes, but I LOVE THEM TO PIECES and have a bad habit of trying to play with them immediately, even if it's not strictly feasible to do so. (I will hold back this time, promise! ... but I will still include it on his permissions stuff from now on and feel awesome about it. CLAMP crazy is the best crazy.) Even without the utterly fabulous camp relationships, Watanuki still has his canon cast! And Holic cast is amazing and I love the dynamics we have going and -- god I love playing Watanuki. I love him desperately and fiercely and you can pry him from my cold dead fingertips. :| My ONE CONCERN is that I am over-doing it. Because he's kind of the default for zomg drama right now, and I really, really don't want to tire my cast-mates with stuff.

Plans: HALLOWEEN. Halloween will be fun. 8) And I will continue to throw him at anything and anyone who will talk to him, as per usual. ... but I am thinking of dialing his involvement back a bit, if only because I really don't want to tire castmates and relationships and everyone else who'd have to deal with Watanuki-fallout. Also my other characters are getting neglected. So ilu Watanuki, but you need to quiet down a little. (Which is not to say I will not happily throw him into crazy if you want him there, or let him do fallout for other characters -- I love that shit, godddd yes I do. I am just cutting down on the stuff that I instigate myself.)

Dropping: NEVER.


IC: Another zen type, but not in a rut way. Ginko will never not be zen, I think. The deaging with Ahito has shaken him up a bit (and will continue to shake him a bit, depending on who tells him what), but it's not jaw-droppingly crazy. Mostly it's confirmation of some things that he suspected already. Like the tokoyami thing. :| OTHERWISE he just goes about his business! Tells stories, helps people, pokes shotas. Fun stuff.

OOC: If I had to narrow my lineup down to one character, it'd be Watanuki, hands down. ... but! If I had to narrow it down to two, Ginko would be the second. He's very good for a secondary character -- quiet enough that I don't feel bad for not throwing him at anything and anyone who will listen to him, but human enough that he still gets interesting conversations and relationships and doesn't completely fail at bonding with people. Honestly, I didn't expect him to make any strong relationships at all. ... but nonetheless, he's made a few, and they make me happy. Plus it's just fun to be quiet and jesus-y and top people. ... my one doubt is that I'm taking too many liberties with the canon. His voice is tough for me, and I don't always feel spot-on. A-and just enough people (especially a few that I REALLY REALLY RESPECT and would be devastated if they didn't like my Ginko ;;) know the canon that I get nervous. But in the end, I'm pretty zen. He kind of takes on a counselor's role, ironically, since my Cid never really got active, and his age is so borderline. Anyway, he's chill. I'm chill. We're good. :|

Plans: Continue to comment ninja! Make sure to initiate conversations with the people who talked with him as a kid, especially Kaiji and the others who haven't met his adult form (and Oz and Ahito and his other shouta buddies, of course). I'd also like him to do more with the doctors in camp, since he does fall in the realm of a "medical" character even if he isn't really a doctor. If he could run a doctory/first aid post during Halloween (or assist with one), I would be very happy. :|d

Dropping: Low. There are a few things that could derail him, but overall I'm happy with him, and content with my performance.

meme, ooc

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