We try our best here at
dotcoms_refresh to list accurately the names of all our fanwork creators. Recently, however, we've had quite a few people commenting to get the LJ name we've credited changed to another name, and we've also discovered that each of our editors has been using different criteria for how they determine the LJ name to use. The cause of the confusion is that many people like to post their work in their own fanwork journals, separate from their personal journals, and it is not always clear to us which name they prefer to be credited by, the fanwork LJ name or the personal LJ name.
We have come up with a system that all our editors will now be using to consistently choose the LJ name to credit. The system, we hope, strikes a balance between satisfying each creator's personal preferences and keeping the amount of time we spend on each link to a reasonable period.
1) For all fanworks with the exception of icon/graphics posts, we will credit according to the LJ username listed in the header of the post that is linked from the newsletter and if there isn't one in the header we'll use the LJ name of the journal where it is posted. If it is posted in a creator's own fanwork community, we will use the journal name of the poster who made the post to the comm, not the comm name. We will not be checking userinfo pages for other pseudonyms.
This means that if you make a post to a community like
slashatthedisco and link from there to a post in a your fiction journal, unless you include an author header in the fiction journal post, it will be credited to your fiction journal, no matter what information you include in your advertising post in
slashatthedisco or in your userinfo page.
2) For icons and graphics, we will continue to credit the personal icon/graphic community name when the creator does not specify otherwise in their post header. We have found that icon and graphic creators often prefer to have their comm name credited over their own username, or they are willing to accept credit in either fashion.
We're sorry if this policy makes life slightly more difficult for any fanwork creators, but it was the best system we could devise that fit with our method of collecting and checking over links.
* * * * *
We are once again currently looking for an editor to join our amazing team. Being an editor is not a glamorous job, but it's great way to feel like you've contributed and are part of the fannish community. To be an editor:
- you will need to consistently have two to three hours available, one day per week during North American evening hours
- you are willing and able to use Firefox
- you have a working knowledge of the social bookmarking site Delicious.com, or are confident that you'll be able to pick it up
- you know how to make and edit LiveJournal posts, including the creation and alteration of links and username tags
- you have good attention to detail
The newsletter is mostly automated by a script so you don't need to know much html; your job will be collecting links and bookmarking them to delicious.com as well as checking over the newsletter issue created by the script and posting it to the community. If you're interested, please e-mail us at dotcoms.refresh@gmail.com or comment to this post with an e-mail address where we can reach you.
Apologies in advance, but if we get a number of volunteers, we may not be able to have you all join the team. Not that we've ever had to deny someone this glorious opportunity, but in the event that hoards of would-be editors leap on us, be advised that we will proceed in order of application.
Thanks for reading, everyone!
ETA: We have some volunteers! Thanks so much, everyone, for being so amazing.