I gotta say that what I've read so far is pretty disappointing...
I'm not saying that you are a bad player by any means, but it seems this journal is full of boasting where boasting is undeserved. If I was a LiveJournal member and not just a curious someone passing through, I'd have to make a new LiveJournal for DotA where we'd discuss DotA, not where I'd mention good games that I played.
Juggernaut with 3 BFs, Deso, Treads, and Fly? Was the other team truly incompetent to be unable to kill such a low health build?
And 25-0 in a TDA game? I hope it's TDA East because TDA West is the league of noobs. If it is East, then congratulations, I've heard some good stuff about East. But you should try a real league, not just TDA.
Try playing against CAL-I (Not CAL-IM) teams. Then you'll understand what DotA truly is. You can't be thinking of your allies as sucking ass, even if they are. You have to support them to the very end. It's a team game, and if you can't win with your team, then it's a loss even if you can backdoor and defeat the other team with that method.
And your latest post is about your new game, not DotA... I thought this was a DotA LiveJournal, not a personal blog. You go beyond just mentioning why you haven't been playing DotA and talk about this new awesome MMO of yours.
If you're a real DotA player and believe yourself deserving to have the only DotA LJ account on here, then suck up the criticism and go better yourself at DotA, not that MMO. If you don't, I hope you'll delete this LiveJournal and make yourself a new one where you can blog about your life in videogames instead of this humiliating page that claims to be about DotA.
Noobs play -em. That's why it was changed from -shortmode to -easymode.
And by the way, for those who say they love Bane... kudos to you. 7 second disable as well as a healing attack that deals chaos damage. Not to mention a godly disable as his ultimate. Bane can 1v1 any hero early game and still contribute to team battles. However, I hope you don't get dagon on him like a bunch of noobs I see. Necrobook is much better with increased HP, true sight, and mana burn. However, in true teams, which mostly only occur in IH and tournaments, there are better choices of heroes. But Bane works just fine in CAL-O.
Re: Disappointedmenthol_loveDecember 7 2007, 13:59:34 UTC
Hi! You've failed to notice this is a community. A community is not limited to talking about one specific thing, we're allowed to talk about just about anything. As I believe I have put somewhere in the information or somewhere in a post, this community is for people who like Dota to group up and meet one another. As for boasting? No, I just post unique games and laugh about certain moments in games that make ME laugh for different reasons. As for the TDA, it was TDA East. I rarely play on West because of the large map hacking population there. Sure, quite a few map hack on east but on west it's to the point where many even admit to it. As for Bane? Love to play him but usually just have to do -arem. -arem is the most commonly hosted mode for Dota. I just join whatever is the first one I see, never actually hosting my own unless a friend asks me to. If it's apem I'll usually grab techies simply because it's rather fun to go battle techies in public games, LOL. Pudge is another one I'll pick often, another hero I usually have a lot of fun with.
As well, I think you may just be taking a game too seriously. You're boasting about a team based game... it's warcraft III. Skill isn't exactly a big thing on wc3. Four skills? Excuse me, try a difficult game. I play dota because it's fun, not because it's a skill based game. It's just a fun game to go play during downtime. There was not an English based community on LJ so I made one. English is actually my second language, however, with US East being the primary realm on wc3 I felt the need to create one for players to use.
To more elaborate on the situation of me speaking about other games... This community has yet to post much about the game, and furthermore, is inactive. So I decided to post a blog like update on why I was busy. Possibly sparking a slight increase in activity.
Now, it's 9AM in America, where I've been living a few years now, I've been drinking and I'm tired. So excuse me if I've missed anything or this was not as accurate as it could have been. However, I'm going to bed. If you need more ignorant questions answered, by all means, ask more ignorant questions.
I'm not saying that you are a bad player by any means, but it seems this journal is full of boasting where boasting is undeserved. If I was a LiveJournal member and not just a curious someone passing through, I'd have to make a new LiveJournal for DotA where we'd discuss DotA, not where I'd mention good games that I played.
Juggernaut with 3 BFs, Deso, Treads, and Fly? Was the other team truly incompetent to be unable to kill such a low health build?
And 25-0 in a TDA game? I hope it's TDA East because TDA West is the league of noobs. If it is East, then congratulations, I've heard some good stuff about East. But you should try a real league, not just TDA.
Try playing against CAL-I (Not CAL-IM) teams. Then you'll understand what DotA truly is. You can't be thinking of your allies as sucking ass, even if they are. You have to support them to the very end. It's a team game, and if you can't win with your team, then it's a loss even if you can backdoor and defeat the other team with that method.
And your latest post is about your new game, not DotA... I thought this was a DotA LiveJournal, not a personal blog. You go beyond just mentioning why you haven't been playing DotA and talk about this new awesome MMO of yours.
If you're a real DotA player and believe yourself deserving to have the only DotA LJ account on here, then suck up the criticism and go better yourself at DotA, not that MMO. If you don't, I hope you'll delete this LiveJournal and make yourself a new one where you can blog about your life in videogames instead of this humiliating page that claims to be about DotA.
Noobs play -em. That's why it was changed from -shortmode to -easymode.
And by the way, for those who say they love Bane... kudos to you. 7 second disable as well as a healing attack that deals chaos damage. Not to mention a godly disable as his ultimate. Bane can 1v1 any hero early game and still contribute to team battles. However, I hope you don't get dagon on him like a bunch of noobs I see. Necrobook is much better with increased HP, true sight, and mana burn. However, in true teams, which mostly only occur in IH and tournaments, there are better choices of heroes. But Bane works just fine in CAL-O.
As well, I think you may just be taking a game too seriously. You're boasting about a team based game... it's warcraft III. Skill isn't exactly a big thing on wc3. Four skills? Excuse me, try a difficult game. I play dota because it's fun, not because it's a skill based game. It's just a fun game to go play during downtime. There was not an English based community on LJ so I made one. English is actually my second language, however, with US East being the primary realm on wc3 I felt the need to create one for players to use.
To more elaborate on the situation of me speaking about other games... This community has yet to post much about the game, and furthermore, is inactive. So I decided to post a blog like update on why I was busy. Possibly sparking a slight increase in activity.
Now, it's 9AM in America, where I've been living a few years now, I've been drinking and I'm tired. So excuse me if I've missed anything or this was not as accurate as it could have been. However, I'm going to bed. If you need more ignorant questions answered, by all means, ask more ignorant questions.
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