Gee, I'm ever so fulfilled knowing that you've recently had such
fabulous poly group sex. Really, reading the details of your latest sexual encounters just makes my life complete.
(Now if I can just figure out what you mean amid all those grammatical abuses and cryptic designations...)
And to think, I almost wasn't going to tell the whole world!
Really good conversation is better than group sex, in my experience. :)
I do quite like good conversation though - individually or in groups. And some more intimate activities with a partner. I dunno, maybe I'm just not sufficiently poly. Maybe it's more like really, really hyperactive serial monogamy. :) I just switch between partners really, really often, back and forth between the same two generally. Now I feel like I'm stuck in some bizarre ping pong relationship model.
someone who can easily hold up their end of a conversation is a REALLY great thing as far as i'm concerned.
Oh thank god, I'm not alone.
I have determined through multiple trials, that despite being attracted to damn near everyone and really enjoying sex, threesomes are intensely not the thing for me. It's actively stressful, in ways that cause me to have to leave halfway through. Part of me is still holding out for the perfect one, but I'm not really willing to do anything to make it happen, because nope!
i'm diabetic, that sort of helps. we KNOW that i have to eat, and we KNOW that once i've taken my insulin i have to eat within 15 minutes or so. and if you get into the habit of saying/following through on "we need to leave in X amount of time" you can manage the family, all of it, extended bits and all.
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