Its bad when you are disappointed when something is not a fraud

Jan 20, 2011 22:42

UPDATE Survey has been taken down "until it can be revised"
thanks to everyone who helped outt on this one

I was really rather hoping that the claim that the worst written survey of the polyamory community I have ever taken was to support a doctoral dissertation was not true.

Sadly after writing her and the major professor to complain about the survey it both seems to check out and concern the professor not at all

Welcome to the Attachment Style, Sexual Orientation and Motivations for Polyamory in Self-Identified Polyamorous Individuals Study. This study will take you approximately 30-45 minutes to complete. Please answer all questions to the best of your knowledge.
1. Please enter your age.
2. Ethnicity:
3. Please indicate the number of siblings:
Older than you
Younger than you
4. How important is religion for you?
1 Not at all
6 Extremely
5. Do you have children?

9. What is the highest level of commitment you have had to any of your romantic partners?
a. No romantic partner
b. Casual dating
c. Exclusive dating
d. Living together
e. Engaged
f. Married
10. What is your level of commitment to your current partner
a. No romantic partner
b. Casual dating
c. Exclusive dating
d. Living together
e. Engaged
f. Married
11. What is the duration of your current romantic relationship?
12. How satisfied are you in your current relationship?
Past relationships
13. In your last unsuccessful relationship, did you end the relationship?
14. How many of your romantic partners did you cheat on in the past?
15. To the best of your knowledge, did any of your romantic partners cheat on you?
16. Have you ever tried to win someone as a romantic partner who was currently in a committed relationship with someone else?
17. Have you ever successfully won someone as a romantic partner who had been in a committed relationship with someone else?
18. Has anyone ever tried to win you as a romantic partner while you were in a romantic relationship with someone else?
19. Did you ever have an ongoing affair while you were involved in a committed relationship?
20. Did you ever have a regular one-night-stand while you were involved in a committed relationship?
21. Were you ever found out by your partner of having an affair?
22. Are you a jealous person?
1 Not at all
6 Extremely
23. Are your parents both alive?
24.To the best of your knowledge, did either parent cheat on the other?
25.While living, did your parents ever divorce or separate?
28. How strict were your parents when you were growing up?
1 Not at all
6 Extremely
29. How often did your parents use corporal punishment?
30. How warm and physically affectionate (hugging/kissing) were your parents?
31. While you were growing up, were your parents very critical and judgmental of you?
32. As you were growing up, how close was your family?
33. How close are you to your parents now?
Experiences in Close Relationships
The following statements concern how you feel in romantic relationships. We are interested in how you generally experience relationships, not just in what is happening in a current relationship. Respond to each statement by indicating how much you agree or disagree with it.
1. I prefer not to show a partner how I feel deep down.
2. I worry about being abandoned.
3. I am very comfortable being close to romantic partners.
4. I worry a lot about my relationships.
5. Just when my partner starts to get close to me I find myself pulling away.
6. I worry that romantic partners won't care about me as much as I care about them.
7. I get uncomfortable when a romantic partner wants to be very close.
8. I worry a fair amount about losing my partner.
9. I don't feel comfortable opening up to romantic partners.
10. I often wish that my partner's feelings for me were as strong as my feelings for him/her.
11. I want to get close to my partner, but I keep pulling back.
12. I often want to merge completely with romantic partners, and this sometimes scares them away.
Respond to each statement by indicating how much you agree or disagree with it.
13. I am nervous when partners get too close to me
14. I worry about being alone.
15. I feel comfortable sharing my private thoughts and feelings with my partner.
16. My desire to be very close sometimes scares people away.
17. I try to avoid getting too close to my partner.
18. I need a lot of reassurance that I am loved by my partner.
19. I find it relatively easy to get close to my partner.
20. Sometimes I feel that I force my partners to show more feeling, more commitment.
21. I find it difficult to allow myself to depend on romantic partners.
22. I do not often worry about being abandoned.
23. I prefer not to be too close to romantic partners.
24. If I can't get my partner to show interest in me, I get upset or angry.
Respond to each statement by indicating how much you agree or disagree with it.
25. I tell my partner just about everything.
26. I find that my partner(s) don't want to get as close as I would like.
27. I usually discuss my problems and concerns with my partner.
28. When I am not involved in a relationship, I feel somewhat anxious and insecure.
29. I feel comfortable depending on romantic partners.
30. I get frustrated when my partner is not around as much as I would like.
31. I don't mind asking romantic partners for comfort, advice, or help.
32. I get frustrated if romantic partners are not available when I need them.
33. It helps to turn to my romantic partner in times of need.
34. When romantic partners disapprove of me, I feel really bad about myself.
35. I turn to my partner for many things, including comfort and reassurance.
36. I resent it when my partner spends time away from me.
Klein Sexual Orientation Grid
Please use the following scale to rate each of the statements below. You will rate each of the items in terms of your past experiences (your life up to 12 months ago), your present experience (the most recent 12 months) and your ideal experience (what do you think you would eventually like?):

1 = Other sex only
2 = Other sex mostly
3 = Other sex somewhat more
4 = Both sexes
5 = Same sex somewhat more
6 = Same sex mostly
7 = Same sex only

A). Sexual Attraction: To whom are you sexually attracted?
Past (entire life up until a year ago) Present (last 12 months) Ideal (what would you like?)
B). Sexual Behavior: With whom have you actually had sex?
Past (entire life up until a year ago) Present (last 12 months) Ideal (what would you like?)
C). Sexual Fantasies: About whom are your sexual fantasies?
Past (entire life up until a year ago) Present (last 12 months) Ideal (what would you like?)
D). Emotional Preference: Emotions influence, if not define, the actual physical act of love. Do you love and like only members of the same sex, only members of the other sex, or members of both sexes?
Past (entire life up until a year ago) Present (last 12 months) Ideal (what would you like?)
E). Social Preference: Social preference is closely allied with but often different from emotional preference. With members of which sex do you socialize?
Past (entire life up until a year ago) Present (last 12 months) Ideal (what would you like?)
G). Self-identification: How do you label or identify yourself?
Past (entire life up until a year ago) Present (last 12 months) Ideal (what would you like?)
Klein Sexual Orientation Grid - 2nd
For the next three items, please use the following scale and rate your choices along the same past, present and ideal parameters:

1 = Heterosexual only
2 = Heterosexual mostly
3 = Heterosexual somewhat more
4 = Hetero/Gay-Lesbian equally
5 = Gay/Lesbian somewhat more
6 = Gay/Lesbian mostly
7 = Gay/Lesbian only

F). Social Preference: Social preference is closely allied with but often different from emotional preference. With members of which sex do you socialize?
Past (entire life up until a year ago) Present (last 12 months) Ideal (what would you like?)
G). Sexual Identity: How do you think of yourself?
Past (entire life up until a year ago) Present (last 12 months) Ideal (what would you like?)
H). Political Identity: Some people describe their relationship to the rest of society differently than their personal sexual identity. For instance, a woman may have a heterosexual sexual identity, but a lesbian political identity. How do you think of yourself politically?
Past (entire life up until a year ago) Present (last 12 months) Ideal (what would you like?)
Multi-dimensional Jealousy Scale
Think of a person with whom you are having, or have had in the recent past, a strong romantic relationship. If you have never had a strong romantic relationship, please rate how you think you would feel if you were in such a relationship.
How often do you, or did you, have the following thoughts about your romantic partner? Please rate the following on a scale from 1 (Never) to 7 (All the time):
1 Never
7 All the time
1. I suspect that s/he is secretly seeing someone of the opposite sex.
2. I am worried that some member of the opposite sex may be chasing after him or her.
3. I suspect that s/he may be attracted to someone else.
4. I suspect that s/he may be physically intimate with another member of the opposite sex behind my back.
5. I think that some members of the opposite sex may be romantically interested in her.
6. I am worried that someone of the opposite sex may be trying to seduce him or her.
7. I think that s/he is secretly developing an intimate relationship with someone of the opposite sex.
8. I suspect that s/he is crazy about members of the opposite sex.
Please rate the following on a scale from 1 (Very Pleased) to 7 (Very Upset):

How would you emotionally react to the following situations?
1. S/he comments to you on how great looking a particular member of the opposite sex is.
2. S/he shows a great deal of interest or excitement in talking to someone of the opposite sex.
3. S/he smiles in a very friendly manner to someone of the opposite sex.
4. A member of the opposite sex is trying to get close to him or her all the time.
5. S/he is flirting with someone of the opposite sex.
6. Someone of the opposite sex is dating him or her.
7. S/he hugs and kisses someone of the opposite sex.
8. S/he works very closely with a member of the opposite sex (in school or office).
Please rate the following on a scale of 1 (Never) to 7 (All the Time):

How often do you engage in the following behavior?
1. I look through her/his drawers, handbag, or pockets.
2. I call him/her unexpectedly, just to see if he or she is there.
3. I question him/her about previous or present romantic relationships.
4. I say something nasty about someone of the opposite sex if s/he shows an interest in that person.
5. I question him/her about his or her telephone calls.
6. I question him/her about his or her whereabouts.
7. I join in whenever I see him/her talking to a member of the opposite sex.
8. I pay him/her a surprise visit just to see who is with him or her.
Sociosexuality Scale
1. How many times have you had sex in the past month?
2. With how many different partners have you had sex in your lifetime?
3. With how many different partners have you had sex within the past year?
4. If there was nothing to inhibit you (e.g., no threat of contracting AIDS, VD, or herpes, no fear of unwanted pregnancy, your partner(s) willingly consented, etc), with how many different persons (whom you currently know) would you enjoy having sex?
5. How many different partners do you foresee yourself having sex with during the next 5 years?
6. With how many different partners have you had sex on one and only one occasion?
7. How frequently do you think about sex?
1 Virtually never
9 Almost all of the time
8. How often do (did) you fantasize about having sex with someone other than your current (most recent) dating partner?
1 Never
8 At least once per day
Please answer the following questions
9. Sex without love is OK.
10. I can imagine myself being comfortable and enjoying casual sex with different partners.
11. I would have to be closely attached to someone (both emotionally and psychologically) before I could feel comfortable and fully enjoy having sex with him or her.

survey posted - wank inevitable

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