Nov 16, 2010 11:01
more evolved than thou,
op's friends comment in snark - hilarz,
i'll decide what's good for you,
one penis policy,
bad definitions of poly,
just plain idiots,
attempts at self-defense self-sabotage,
op comments in snark - more lulz,
serial: panuhorsmalahti,
challenging the patriarchal paradigm
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I've known
people are at the far end of being invested in feminist discourse and ideology wouldn't consider this to be a legitimate exercise in mental gymnastics to begin with for any number of psychological, social, biological, financial, etc etc reasons, not just feminist ones. it wouldn't matter what the international opinion is because it's a flawed argument in the first place. the only reason one would need to get confirmation internationally would be to validate a personally held opinion, otherwise it's so absurd that you certainly don't need to validate that internationally since you don't subscribe to it so it doesn't matter what the other kids at school think.
because either way, one of you invited the guy with lots of feelings about how men should be allowed to rape everyone and be socially applauded for it into the conversation and that doesn't really say much for your questionable judgement about men or your vouching for the character and credibility of xuenay and his associates.
Google the name "Panu Horsmalahti" and you will find that this guy is a) for real b) running for office and c) one of the people who started the whole goddamn mess in the .FI blogosphere.
Here is a link to his one LJ entry as it was posted originally in Finnish: (google tranlslate should roughly confirm it) Note the date.
Xue is one of the people who have posted refuttals on this and called him out on his BS.
Let's say you were involved in a blogosphere and everyone started saying that men were evil beasts who ate babies. Now at first you might dismiss it out of hand(I mean, really? Who eats babies?) but then if person after person that you respected and in some cases admired said over and over again that men were evil beasts that eat babies you might start to wonder if they are right and you are the one who didn't see it. This would lead you to talk to friends that aren't involved with this blogosphere, co-workers, family, and(depending on how many people you know that believe that men are evil beasts that eat babies) finally to a public forum such as an LJ community.
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