Because we all know
poly relationships are never abusive Twue Poly Relationships, that is.
No words for how stupid and dangerous this attitude is.
EDIT: O dere lord. Apparently they accept the possibility of abuse -
where Mormons are involved. Is it time for the religious snark yet?
"Progress Prevails"?? WTF? Are we in 'V For Vendetta'
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For the record, I think attitudes like the OPs are a very serious problem. I've met my share of creepy fuckers in poly communities, like everyone else. cinema_babe had a good snark on this a couple of months back. "True Poly People" are not an insurance against abuse of any kind, or creepy/entitled behaviour generally. They are not automatically free form sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism or class prejudice (especially not the last one). Poly people can be jerks, just like everyone else. Amazing.
I am so with you on the problem of people being treated badly because other people won't believe their stories - and, for the record, I do know someone who said she was almost put off poly for life due to such an experience with a couple, and the difficulty of talking about it in a space where it was not OK ever to say that poly people could treat their partners badly.
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