Jan 07, 2010 19:57
You know, if you're going to get all bent out of shape to the point of "wanting the dog's collar back on so it will hurt when I lift her" (as opposed to the harness my beagle is currently wearing) and insisting she either be on leash or crated in the house at all times because she got into the food cabinet and ate an entire bag of uncooked egg noodles --
you might want to consider moving the food to a cabinet *above* the counter.
I'm just sayin'.
And of course *your* beagles would *never* do such a thing.
If we could afford to move out of my mother's house, we would.
ETA: My dog is the "bad" one, my mother also has two beagles. Plus we have two other dogs. The economy caught up with us and we are living with my mother for at least another 6 months.