"i think declawing is perfectly okay, even though i know all the bad things about it! cats are just like humans and show pain the same way, therefore i know it didn't hurt at all! wait, except cat are nothing like humans and therefore have absolutely no use for their toes or claws, and never miss them when they are chopped off. my motto is 'the vet didn't kill them, so it must mean this won't affect them at all, ever!' my cats were fine except for one that died, so i am teh expert. also, i know that they can still defend themselves so i let them outside to kill wildlife, lolllllzzzz! training them not to scratch furniture is for losers!" okay, i can sort of understand not doing any sort of research on a surgery you elect to get for your pet (okay, no i can't, but for the sake of arguement...). but the vast vast majority of people, when informed that what they did is actually REALLY BAD, go "oh shit, whoopsie! won't be doing that again! my bad!" every so often you get a "well, my vet said it was okay, so i don't care." this is really special though.