Nov 11, 2009 18:01
Sometimes I wish the world would move faster. But it already moves so fast. Then, I wish people would move faster. But aren't we moving fast enough already? Well, what if we slowed down? Wouldn't that be nice? But then what happens to society.
It would be so much nicer to just sloooooooooow dooooooooown a little.
I often wonder how much nicer it was in the 1800s. I never thought I'd say that, but think about it! There would be so much less we would need to know ALL the time. There would be so much less stress.
Maybe, if we did it again, fewer people would be driven by money EXCESSIVELY. Money is okay, wealth is unnecessary. Security is important, lavishness is too much. Isn't it enough to prosper? Or must we always compete? Must we always be THE ONE? The BEST one?
My soul is done screaming. My subconscious is done contradicting itself.
What are your thoughts?