exit cardinal law, enter martial law!

Dec 14, 2002 22:58

According to the SelectSmart.com Belief System Selector, my #1 belief match is Mahayana Buddhism. What do you believe? Visit SelectSmart.com/RELIGION

on a related religion-note, Cardinal Law resigned.

moving from cardinal law to martial law:
from now on, this will be a clean, patriotic diary devoid of any and all remarks criticizing government policy.

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anywho, my birthday was on wednesday. hit the big 1-5. it was all good - went to meghann's for a party and went to a thai restaurant with my parents. i got a new camera (minolta maxxum 5, yum). the day after was such an anticlimax. back to being a cog in the faceless masses, etc etc, pick your favorite metaphor.

i also had my amnesty international meeting on tuesday. i'm group coordinator - yay! we also voted on what issues to cover this year, and the kids voted on the government action network (pressuring the US gov't to stop supporting and committing human rights abuses) and outfront network (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender rights) because kids say things like "that's so gay" and "you fag" too much. i think, personally, that the latter is a waste of our energies. first, there are two out-of-the-closet gay kids at our school. two. and we asked one of them if they thought the program was a good idea, and he said no because it would bring negative attention on him; he just wants to live his life. also, our super-double-coupon conservative school is NOT receptive to change on this issue. i find it extremely difficult to believe that us 15 amnesty dorks will change the entire school's slang. it will drain support from our club in the first year at the school - which is something we can't risk; we can't accomplish anything all on our own. i'm hoping to present these points at our next meeting - hopefully these kids are open to reason. i really want to do the crisis response: iraq one because it's such an important subject, especially since we have so many kids eligible for the draft board at school. alas
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