Today was a good day for me, despite the fact that I don't like mondays very much. In the morning, my counselor said I was qualified for the NMSQ (PSAT) scholarship because of my PSAT score. Then she told me about this internship that I could apply for at Kaiser. My counselor was real happy, and she said congratulations alot. The school day went by without a hitch, except that I forgot that my English teacher assigned reading and I probably basically failed my little reading quiz. Oh well. 6 points total anyways. On the plus side, I found out that in my quarter grade, I would get an A- in that class. Yesssssss! Then I came home and made about 5k playing roulette in this text game. You could do crimes and attack ppl and mug ppl and stuff. If you guys are interested, go here:'ll start off with $200
Anyway it was a good day. However, I just wasted 30 minutes trying to- Oh there's scott. Anyway I wasted 30 min trying to play freaking aim game called WORD FU! I thought since me and my friend both could type and both were chinese, we should play it. However the goddam thing won't load. Then it kept "losing connection". In between all this was alot of lag, with my computer buzzing like a freaking retard. Finally we just gave up. Well anyway that was my day. Hope you guys had fun.