Jan 26, 2005 20:07
Yesterday I found out that "doss" means "killer" in hebrew while playing Counter Strike: Condition Zero. Today I saw in the dictionary that "doss" is a british slang term meaning a bed or bunk, especially at a cheap lodgings house. A "doss house" is that cheap lodgings house with the bed. I saw this in the dictionary because I was looking up the word "donut" to see if that is an actual official word in the dictionary. I found out that it is the informal spelling of "doughnut". I did this because my 2nd period finals teacher let the whole class have a donut each, and he said "donut" on the board. (Yes I have a turtl-I mean, finals this week). I posted this because I wanted to say, "Donuts are my favorite food." and ask, "What about you guys?".
I am Bed-at-a-motel man.