Q:Sardines, Couchs, Movie. A: Danny Yau did these this Weekend

Dec 20, 2004 11:49

I don't really feel like writing out the whole weekend, so i'll just start with going to Big Cory's house. Ok so anyway Cathy was nice and picked up me austin and big cory. First we went to Evan's house to see him. After awhile we left and went to Cory's, where he talked to people online and me and austin played 2 and a half round of Halo. Then Austin went on and gave me gmail. It's dossdude@gmail.com if anyone wants it. Anyway after that we went to sleep. The next day, after going to church we came back to cory's house and helped them up in new couches. Then Austin left and Cory's whole family, including his grandma, excluding Kenny, crammed into the truck and we drove down to San Leandro. Along the way, we played TriBond, which is a game where they give u 3 things, and u have to link them together. It was really fun. I like playing games like that. And in case someone still didn't notice, my subject is a Tribond question. Anyway we finally arrived at San Leandro. Then I helped them load their old couch into Cory's uncle's apartment. Then the Jacksons were real nice and treated me to fresh choice and then we watched Lemoney Snickett's A Series Of Unfortunate Events. It was a nice movie. Finally my mom came to pick me up and decided to stop in the middle of the road. I like that game. And then I came home and yeah. Ok. Time to end post.
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