Nov 21, 2005 09:55
We weren't too confident going into the competetion on Friday, we were, however, more confident then we were when we wealked in the mandatory meeting in our costumes and everyone stopped. Yes. Everyone, in their black suits...all dressed up as laqyers stopped and looked at B Ware's and Chris's outfits. We were the bad news bears. It was so embarassing. Then, to make things worse, our first royund of four we get called to go against the University of Texas. Yes... UT. So here's the story. I don't know the whole thing but something about Amanda 's(old roommate)mock Trial team skipped out on their round and as punishment we had to go against a championship UT team...and they seriously kicked our asses. I won't get into that...but anyway. That was the ghost of Mock Trial past. The other three rounds are not worth mentioning. Two were against SMU, one of the girls was a whinner, the other was great but she was too skinny. The tihrd round. I almost cried as a dramatic effect and we lost by a point because Brock had his eye brow ring in. Yes. His eyebrow ring. Dang it! Needless to say we didn't create any Disney movies. We blew pretty hard core. I was pretty shocked we lost all four rounds. I thought we ended pretty strong. Oh well. I did get lots of free food and saw Harry Potter for free. That's always good eh?