About That Deadline...

Dec 17, 2008 15:46

Okay, folks. We extended the posting deadline through this Friday, yet I can't help but notice that only a few of you have yet posted.;) I'm hoping lots of you are close to posting and aiming for Friday, but we'll see...

I'd really like it if as many people as possible could check in both through this poll and possibly in comments and let me know the status of your project. I'm quite open to extending posting through the end of December (especially since ::cough::I still have a few thousand words to go::cough::), after all, the point of this ficathon was not just to flood everyone with projects all at once, but to inspire people to take on new challenges and accomplish something they can be proud of, so as long as that's happening, the project has served its purpose, deadlines be damned.:) But at the same time, I want to keep folks motivated.

So...check in here if you can!

Poll Deadline? Whooshing Past?


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