I am somewhat chipper this morning because OMG I finally got to bake something!
I have been wanting to for so freaking long, but it hadn't been working out. Every time I wanted to make something, I wouldn't have one or two vital ingredients. Since our financial situation is so effed up, Kevin's mom has been kind enough to buy our groceries for a while now. (Which is awesome and amazing of her! And so, so appreciated!) But that means I can't really run to the store when I need something; I have to wait and put it on the next week's list. (And since we still don't have a car, going to the store is an hour-long process anyway.) She also sometimes forgets things, or she doesn't know what they are, or she can't find them, etc. So, totally understandable, but really frustrating.
I was out of baking powder for a long time, which kind of tossed out all my fall-back recipes (yay for being out of things that can't be subbed!).
So, I was like, "Fine, I'll make bread then." AND THEN, it turns out that the only yeast we have is very old and won't activate. Rock it.
I finally got the baking powder, which was awesome because I've been craving pancakes forever, too, except now I have all the stuff to make pancakes (or I did -- out of eggs now), but I have no syrup.
But then I was like, "Well, cool, at least I can bake scones now." And I looked at the baking soda in the fridge, and it was all expired and it's probably been in there for years and it's been open that whole time. So I was like, "No way is that still good," and I was getting all ready to sulk, but I figured I'd take the 10 seconds to test it, and IT WORKED AND IT'S STILL GOOD!
So, then I made chocolate chip scones, and they are awesome.
(Ignore the fact that I don't care about shaping things unless I'm making them as a gift.)
I didn't really care how they tasted all that much -- really I just wanted to bake because it's a big stress reliever for me -- so I threw in cinnamon. Because I wanted it to smell like Christmas while they were baking. (I am silly but it was nice.) I wasn't sure how that would taste, especially since I put in probably too much, but it turned out to be yummy.
(I did have a serious fail moment while baking, where I for some reason thought I was making cookies and decided to taste the dough. And then I made a face, went HOW THE FUCK DID I SCREW UP? and then went, oh, right, it's scone dough. That made me sad-faced for a minute, though.)
In sum: I got to bake! And it totally worked to relieve my stress. For now, at least. And I can't make another batch because I had just enough milk to make the buttermilk for this one. And I'm out of eggs now, and I don't think I have any baked goods recipes that don't need eggs, milk, or yeast. Oh well. At least I have something to eat now. (In reality, though, I will finish the half of one that I cut and the rest will end up going to Kev's parents. And I will have wheat spaghetti with canned alfredo for lunch. OH WELL.)