Oct 02, 2003 02:05
I can't believe how whiny I've been lately. No, wait, actually, I can.
I just...SICK!
There was this whole plan that involved going to the doctor's tomorrow, but I realized that there's no way I can miss Spanish. Maybe after? But it's near impossible to get an appointment after 12:00, so. Grumble.
And I guess there's no way I'm going to Writing, because it's 2:00 now and I can't sleep and I can't take a Trazadone because I waited too long and blah, blah, blah. It's not like I finished my story, though, or like I actually want to do a reading, so I'm not exactly crying over that, except for the fact that I can't fucking sleep, and that sucks. And I feel like shit, did I mention that?
Dude. Was I always this boring? I didn't use to be...right? Yeah, I'm sure I did. I'm not sure I care.
I think I need to have surgery on my sinus. Which means I need a referral to an ENT, and that means there's probably no point in seeing my PCP anyway, as all they'll do is give me some useless antibiotics and go, "oh, everyone gets sick when the weather changes," like, thanks, I'm glad I walked over here in the cold to hear that from you, because I wouldn't have known otherwise.
I want to sleeeeeeeeeeeep. Sigh.
remember school,