May 28, 2010 12:40
Yeah, so I'm going on vacation this summer to Montana. I really hope it works out. I'm taking a tough math class this summer. Math 090. I go twice a week 3 hours a day. If I go on vacation, I'll miss 2 days, 6 hours of class. I don't know if I can pull it off and still survive. I'm still gonna try. The only thing that will kill me is if their's an exam during that week. I don't really care about my music class, or my body toning class as much. They were just to fill up space so I can keep working all summer.
Yeah, so during the summer I'm only getting payed once a month. It sucks for everyone, but I don't think it's that bad. My next paycheck after this one will be right before vacation. I KNOW! So, I'm gonna have over 600 bucks just to blow. I don't know if their's that much to blow it on in old Montana, but at best, I'll eat and drink well.
Wish me luck!