Am now completly updated for Doctor Who Series 5

May 02, 2010 17:56

So now that I've seen Flesh and Stone before Youtube took it and Time of the Angels off the air, I have an opinion on the new Doctor Who Series so far:

Loving both the new Doctor and Amy. Not too sure about Rory though, he's this series version of Mickey. I'm expecting either a really great self-sacrificing death scene from him by the finale or him and Amy getting married. Not sure if I like that ending though, means there is a third wheel in series 6 unless he doesn't come with. And if that happens then having Amy with on series 6 doesn't seem fair to the newlyweds.

I have to admit, most of these opinions might have to do with my crush on Matt Smith as the new Doctor...and my girl crush on Amy Pond.

Random note: How did they find two actors that are so frickin' tall? Karen Gillan needs to be in the background or leaning against things otherwise she towers over everyone but Matt. In VotD she is a good head taller than Churchill and a good inch or two taller than one of the random men walking down one of the halls. And she's in flats not heels.

Can't wait for the rest of the series to finish. July is so far away.

doctor who

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