Ugh, its been so long since I hollered at this. I'm sure you're all drooling, making a sticky mess on your keyboars in anticipation for a new update. I know, I know, I'm slacking, etc. Tonight I hung out with C. Head and it was a nice time, tomorrow I'm going out smugging with Stefan and Head, and that should be a nicER time. Tuesday HOPEFULLY we'll film the rest of SALK so we can get it up on YouTube for you lovlies. The rest of the week will be spent with Brian and Stefan and hopefully Head, I'm sure. Maybe Nick if he has time. (Not that any of you care) AND I really hate it when people write in detail about their schedules on eldge. All you need to know is that I'm going up to see my baby August 7th-11th. Hell yeah.
Honest to God, Tom needs to get his b00ty in line and make myspace work again. Lurking and dicking around on livejournal isnt that fun, and more so, I end up seeing things that I'd really rather not see T_T
...lmfao. Some people. 'Gendo Ikari' and 'Rei Ayanami'