Sep 28, 2010 10:12

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Yes, someone did a singingrobots song about alpacas, and it is beautiful. Watch it. Do it.

In other news, since my money situation is at last coming together over here, I indulged a little and bought Birth By Sleep. MY FIRST KH GAME! I never thought I'd actually buy one of these, but, well, it was for the PSP and not that expensive and it has Aqua in it . . .

So yeah, of course, I'm playing her story first. The writing is cheesy as Hell, but I'm enjoying it overall--it plays nice and it's got Leonard Nimoy voicing a villain (hnnnnngh ♥) and NOMURA-OUTFIT MICKEY, so what's not to like? I just beat the Snow White stage and not a huge amount has happened so far, but . . . I've been more focused on leveling up my command deck anyway . . .

p.s. not related to anything but this is the best icon. *Pours a 40 on the streets for Guardians, the best failed TCG ever*

could this be...success?, games, youtube, brainshit, don't record robots, kingdom farts, music, (actually kh)

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