Brian and Justin's Birthdays

Feb 05, 2007 10:10

I posted this on my Myspace page a couple weeks ago and keep forgetting to post it here.  I hope you guys enjoy.

I can't believe my baby boy is two.  Heck I can't believe my big boy is eight.  It doesn't seem possible, where does the time go??  So yeah this past weekend my two beautiful boys celebrated their birthdays.  Brian on Friday and Justin yesterday.  We are having a party for Brian on Sunday at the bowling alley in town.  Of course he is esctatic about that.  He just can't figure out why it couldn't have been this weekend :(  Don't fret, he did get cake.  Holly made him his own cake on Thursday when we went over for our weekly dinner.  Plus he's going to get one at his regular birthday party and we are having a party with our friends soon and I plan on making both the boys a cake then.

So yeah yesterday we had a party for Justin.  I thought it was going to be a mostly family party but the only family that ended up coming was my parents and my in~laws.  I think my grandmother would have come but she broke her arm a couple of weeks ago and can't really drive.  Knowing her she probably still is but I'm sure my dad would not allow her to drive that far.  It was nice to have a little simple party and the food was excellent.  Besides us, my parents and my in~laws Jill and Tom and Amy and Evelyn was there.  I don't think any of us stopped laughing at least a little the whole time.  Justin got to see his first birthday cake (we unfortunately didn't give him one last year) and wanted to touch the candles more than actually blow them out.  No worries, Brian was there to help :)  Kara got to have her own little piece and she made a bigger mess than Justin with some of it getting on me :)  For presents Justin got cars.  Lots of cars  :)  He loves cars.  Seriously, my mom got him a button controlled PT Cruiser that right now he is completely petrified of if it moves :)  I'm sure he'll get over it but it made my mom feel bad :(  Jill and Tom got him a four pack of 4X4 trucks which is awesome cuz it so reflects Jill.  Amy and Evelyn got him a little race track thing with some cars.  The cool thing about this is that the cars that they got him for Christmas go with the track also so he has a ton of cars to go on the track.  I love gifts like that.  Karl did something like that with Justin's Christmas and Birthday gifts last year.  My mother~in~law gave him a book that has counting in it based on toys falling out of the bed.  It's sooo cute.

After Jill and Tom and my in~laws left Amy, Brian and I played a new game that Amy's brother~in~law created called FishAntics.  I love it.  It's like go-fish with cards resembling the Magic role playing cards with things you do once you put a match down.  I highly recommend it and if anyone wants to try it out or get a deck let me know and we can work something out, I'm sure.

Oh yeah I guess I should tell you what we got the boys.  So far we got Brian a Splinter toy from TMNT.  He loves it!!  He also got a gift card from Wal~Mart from Holly and Dick in which he bought a bionicle and $20 from my parents which we haven't had a chance to spend yet.  He has more gifts from us but we are waiting for his party to give them to him.  We got Justin just one thing, but he does love it.  It's one of those things were you move beads along wires that are in different patterns.  I think the thing he likes the most is that it's small so he can carry it around the house with him and play with it either in his room or the living room.

I guess that it's for now.  I post pics when I get a chance to.
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