If you don't have anything helpful to say, don't say anything at all!!!!!!!

Nov 24, 2004 21:57

Happy Belated Birthday Fiona!!!!!!!!!!!


Happy Birthday Shaun!!!!!!!! (sorry, but all that colour just takes too long)

Keeping with the theme of loosing stuff, i have lost my Nickleback album. To coin a phrase from someone elses livejournal ''the rock is gone'' and i have absolutely no idea where, so if anyone has it or could suggest where it is, please tell me.

Art absolutely kicked arse on tuesday, and i think the six resulting-from-working-with-sharp-metal-induced scars on my hand, and burn from glu-gunniong myself will back that up. We actually started making our design thingumies and mine has actually turned out not three bad (minus the injuries obv.)

i think we need a moments silence to comemorate the ring and the cd, so tradjically lost i nthe prime of life.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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