Nov 26, 2009 10:40
Please copy the topics below, erase my answers and put yours in their place, and then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration. One-Word-Answers seldom help anyone out.
1. Full Name.
Elizabeth Anne Owen. Named after the kitchen cupboard door hinges NO LIE
2. Age
22, i don't feel 22 - i catch myself acting silly and think "is this how a 22 year old should behave?" and then i think to myself, "Hell yes!"
3. Location
Millllton Keyyyynes. Moving to Glasgow on the 4th :D i'll really miss this place - i guess my opinion might be biased but i really love this fake city and hope my time in Glasgie is just as fun!
4. Occupation
Unemployed bum. Hopefully i'll get a job as a vet nurse or lab technician when i move up ^^
5. Partner
Stephen Andrew Bell (HA!) been going out for 2 years 1 month and 25 days :3
6. Kids
They seem to attach themselves to me. Other people's anny me immensely, particularly on planes and when the mothers insist on dragging a pushchair around tiny shops. But i wouldnt say no to a sproglet or two at some point :P
7. Brothers/Sisters
Kathryn Margaret Owen. Used to get mistaken as her a lot at school. She was a bit of a delinquant in secondary school but pulled herself together and got a job as an accountant! She's very blonde and we used to take the mickey out of her a lot. Her fiancee of 9 years is called Darren Darkins who works for an IT company. They are still incredibly lovey dovey and dont have any plans for marriage in the near or distant future. We call them Karren.
8. Pets
None at the moment but i'm contemplating something nice and hypoallergenic possily after christmas seeing as Rich is allergic to pretty much everything XD
9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life
-Moving! It's a big step for me and i'm really going to miss mum and my sister. I think i need to do it though so that i can start organising my life a bit more!
-Steve! yes sappy sap sap. we're still very happy together and long may it continue
-Friends! Thanks to the free time i have what with unemployment and all i've been able to meet up with folk and get back in touch with people i havn't seen in a long while, i get this horrible guilty feeling when i can't stay in touch!
-Creativity! I have a buttload of stories going on in my head but lack of artistic skill is letting me down, i know the only way some of them will work is in graphic novel format - or maybe i just can't be bothered with all the writing XD So i think i'll be taking some drawing lessons when i'm settled in Glasgie.
10. Parents
My mum's name is Heather and she works for the Open University doing reserch projects. She used to be a human nurse but gave up when i was about 3. She is lovely, calm and sweet, about 5'1" and i have heard her swear 3 times in my life. She is also as mad as a box of owls and we have a massive number of in jokes. I'm going to miss her very much.
My dad's name is Mark. He works in IT for car rental type systems. He used to work for Iveco but quit to form his own company which does business in England, France and of course Indonesia. He lives in Jakarta with his wife Ren, who he married at the beginning of the year. We still talk and he comes over every 4-5 months for a visit. He's not a bad man, he's just very unaware of other peoples feelings, he's very blase about his money and very genourous even to strangers.
11. Who are some of your closest friends?
I have several friend groups what with moving around and all. My old best friend Olive and I are still in touch but not as close as we used to be. My best friend Rachel from college is getting married next year and i'm a bridesmaid, but we're not as close as when we lived together. I feel i've not stayed still long enough to let people who are good friends be close, i shall endeavour to open up more to peopl! I'm looking forward very much to being up north where i can get to know folk better, it would be a long list if i wrote you all out! Steve obviously is a *ahem* close friend. And i mean close in the biblical sense *nudge nudge* Ya get me? Ya get me? Eh? Eh? :D
Well that wasted a bit of time, on with the day! going to go get my money from Nationwide then get the house presentable for Rachel ^-^ wedding talks a go go!