Um, i went a bit overboard :P

Nov 19, 2009 23:29

Right, i understand that i'm stressed at the moment what with having my plans utterly crapped all over by the weather, so my patience is low but there is one thing that really reaaaaaaally really rubs me up the wrong way.

And that's .

I know that quite a lot of the time I pause or struggle to reach a word when I'm talking and folk suggest the one i want or finish the sentence for me. Thats fine. What i can't abide is being halfway through a normal sentence and being totally cut off. If it were for something important or urgent then that would be fine too, but no. No, this is just so that that person can point out something totally mundane or add their own point of view to a conversation.

Here's a hint. It's called a fucking CONVERSATION. That implys that you wait and listen to what I have to say, then when I've finished, you take your turn, whilst I wait and take in what you have to say. It doesn't mean that you talk whenever you goddam please, especially when it's to say something pointed out by me five minutes ago in the brief moment when your mouth was still in which you were thinking up some other inane statement. Which you obviously weren't listening to. You asspirate.

EDIT: I retract that last insult and change it to donkeybotherer. I freaking love asspirates, whereas it is never ok to bother a donkey.

Wow, i feel a lot better now.

In other news i may be able to travel up via edinburgh on the crosscountry line but i need to call them up tomorrow to check. We'll see what happens, I'll try not to miss the party but if i can't come up on saturday then the next you'll see me is when i MOVE IN!!!!!! ^_^ !!!

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