Words of a questioning kind

Jun 17, 2009 23:19

Reply to this meme by yelling "Words!" and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your LJ and explain what they mean to you.

Questions from
xia_hime :D


They're fascinating aren't they? I've watched every David Attenborough show dozens of times and working as a nurse was a natural progression for me. Working with them has shown me their capacity to suffer and their intelligence (and stupidity!) but the job's demands have also turned ruthless and cynical in some ways. I'd like to get into lab work (the non-animal testing kind) that will give me time to volunteer where i can appreciate animals as more than the over-bred love toys of humans they have been turned into.

In my course recently we've been doing congition and consiousness in animals and their capacity to feel pain. It's a intense subject for anyone that has a few days to read the main articles, i'd like to do something with raising peoples awareness on animal suffering, particularly in herptiles. Did you know in 2006 they proved fish can feel pain? It will be interesting to see what happens in regards to angling in Britain...


I leik to go on zem! Even if it's only an adventure to the local shops, I always turn trips into some kind of wacky-fun-time. I think this has to do with my optimism (see below!) but isn't life so much more interesting like that?? I hope to go on many, many more adventures, to every place i can manage, see as much as possible and meet new and interesting folk. There is no greater feeling in life than nowhere to be and everwhere to go!

It's also to do with telling stories of past adventures, building fun memories and using up the crazy bursts of energy i get, where i have to be doing things all the time, I can't keep still! I'm probably quite high-maintenance come to think of it, but only in small doses??

Anime conventions

My first and favourite was Toko ('05 i think?), to be honest the bigger ones are a little boring in comparison! I use them mainly to meet up with folk and have a great time with them, seeing as we're all scattered around the place. I've never bought from the dealers room and the only time i've been in a video room was gophering it at Auchi. I would like to get to know a few more folk in the community though, and to re-discover old friends!

Nothing beats Toko for good times really, I'll probably end up being a sad old lady there in the future, drinking jack and causing mischief. Anyone care to join me? :D


I'm assuming my previous hair colour? Or maybe a pink aura, who knows?! I both love and loathe it, but the associations with ditsyness are there all right. I would like to dye my hair pink again one day (along with many other styles), i just have to find a job that will let me! I also had a pair of fluffy pink legwarmers that i made back in the old days, i think they're chucked by now... maybe i should make another pair


It's nice to be thought of as optimistic ^_^ i like to think i see the good side to every situation, it's both a coping mechanism for bad situations and a placebo for boring ones. I think i'd be the person who'd stand outside her burning house and think, "well, i wanted to re-decorate the kitchen anyway". Bad feeling and anger really upsets me, even if it's directed at someone/thing else, so i try to make light of things, which may be irritating to others.

I also use the optimism and happiness as a tool when meeting new people, which i think is why i have that sort of first impression with people in the anime community. It was much better for me to be bouncy and happy when faced with 20 new faces and accept them all as friends than to be defensive and build up walls immediately, which are much harder to knock down.

I dont let myself get pessimistic much, and if something bad happens i always plan on to the next new thing to keep me distracted. Ohh! Something shiney!...

Well that was a little longer than i expected, but a fun excersise nontheless :P
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